A10.1 Privacy Act 2020
See also Privacy Act 2020 ss 17, 20, 71, 72
- The functions of the Privacy Commissioner include, but are not limited to the following:
- Making public statements on matters affecting individual privacy.
- Investigating complaints about breaches of privacy.
- Building and promoting an understanding of the privacy principles.
- Monitoring and examining the impact that technology has on privacy.
- Developing codes of practice for specific industries or sectors.
- Examining draft legislation for its possible impact on individual privacy.
- Monitoring data matching programmes between government departments.
- Inquiring into any matter where it appears that individual privacy may be affected.
- Receiving reports of notifiable privacy breaches.
- Monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Privacy Act.
- Reporting to government on matters affecting privacy, both domestic and international.
Effective 28/01/2021