IN THIS SECTION A4.1 Objective A4.5 Overview of health instructions A4.10 Acceptable standard of health (applicants for residence) A4.15 Acceptable standard of health (applicants for temporary entry class visas) A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications A4.25 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: temporary entry class visa applications A4.30 Completion of medical certificates A4.40 Seeking comment concerning health assessments A4.45 Second opinion assessments by Immigration New Zealand medical assessors (residence applications) A4.50 Second opinion assessments by Ministry of Education (residence class visa applications) A4.55 Deferral of decisions on residence applications pending treatment for medical conditions A4.60 Medical waivers (applicants for residence class visas) A4.65 Medical waivers (applicants for temporary entry class visas) A4.70 Determination of whether a medical waiver should be granted (residence and temporary entry) A4.74 Health requirements for mandated refugees and Refugee Quota Family Reunification Category applicants A4.75 Exception to health requirements instructions for people entering New Zealand for medical treatment |