IN THIS SECTION Appendix 1 - List of countries using panel physicians Appendix 2 – Receiving and processing offices Appendix 3 - List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment Appendix 4 - Long Term Skill Shortage List Appendix 5 - List of persons closely associated with Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, and the Zimbabwe government (to 25/08/2014) Appendix 6 - List of Skilled Occupations (to 27/08/2017) Appendix 7 – Occupations considered as ANZSCO skill level 3 under Accredited Employer instructions Appendix 8 - Qualifications recognised as an exception (to 27/08/2017) Appendix 9 - Foreign Charter Vessels - Crew Employment Agreements Appendix 10 - Rules for non-compliant employers (employment standards-related non-compliance) Appendix 11 - List of Scarce Occupations Appendix 12 – Employer accreditation stand down periods Appendix 13 – Green List Appendix 14 – List of care workforce sector and tourism and hospitality occupations Appendix 15 - Criteria for managed funds and direct investments Appendix 16 - Occupations requiring registration by law Appendix 17 - List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (from 29 September 2023) Appendix 18 – Rules for non-compliant employers (immigration non-compliance) |