D4.30 Placing persons refused entry (29/11/2010)
- In the first instance, people refused entry must be placed on the first available craft (see Y3.70) to take them from New Zealand.
- An immigration officer may use their discretion bearing in mind the particular circumstances of the case, to determine whether a person who is refused entry permission, needs to be placed into custody, by considering if:
- a craft is available (see Y3.70) to take them on the same day; and
- the officer is satisfied that the person cannot abscond from the airport facilities concerned; and
- the person concerned poses no security risk, as assessed in conjunction with the Police and airport security.
- The person refused entry will normally be placed into custody if:
- (b)(i) to (iii) above cannot be met; or
- for any reason, an available craft:
- is no longer available to take the person from New Zealand; or
- is, or is likely to be, delayed in New Zealand for more than 24 hours; or
- for any other reason the person is unable to leave New Zealand at the expected time.
- If an immigration officer determines that custody is necessary the officer must:
- ask a constable to detain the person in custody until departure; and
- arrange the departure of the detained person; and
- if applicable, serve a letter setting out the details of the infringement on the carrier.
Effective 29/11/2010