These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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I1 Objective

Note: The instructions contained in this section cease to be effective from 27/08/2018.

Immigration Act 2009 s 28; 80

The purpose of the interim visa instructions is to maintain an applicant's lawful status in New Zealand while their further temporary visa application is being considered.

Effective 07/02/2011


I1.1 Grant of an interim visa (to 26/08/2018)

I1.5 Currency of an interim visa (to 26/08/2018)

I1.10 Automated and manual processing of interim visas (to 26/08/2018)

I1.11 Automated and manual processing of interim visas (to 26/08/2018)

I1.15 Grant of interim visas (to 26/08/2018)

I1.20 After the interim visa is granted (to 26/08/2018)

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