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RA6.1 Restrictions on the grant of residence class visas for New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) students and their dependants (07/02/2011)

NZAP-supported students and their partners, and the dependent children of NZAP-supported students and/or their partner are not eligible to be granted a residence class visa in the two-year period following completion of the NZAP student's scholarship, unless they have written approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (see U11).

Effective 07/02/2011


RA6.1 Restrictions on the grant of residence class visas for New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) students and their dependants (26/11/2012)

RA6.1 Restrictions on the grant of residence class visas for NZAID supported students and their dependants (29/11/2010)

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