These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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A4.20 Medical and X-ray certificates: residence class visa applications (04/04/2011)

  1. Applications for residence class visas must include, at the time the application is lodged, a fully completed Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate (INZ 1007) for every person included in the application.

    Note: Pregnant women and children under 11 years of age are not required to have an X-ray examination.

  2. All Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificates must have been issued less than three months before the date the application for a residence class visa is made. (The issue date of a Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate is the date of the declaration by the examining physician concerning the overall findings of the medical examination.)
  3. Despite (a) above, applicants for a residence class visa under the Partnership or Dependent Child Categories (see F2 and F5) do not need to provide a Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate if:
    1. they have provided a Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate with an earlier temporary entry class visa application; and
    2. they were assessed as having an acceptable standard of health based on that certificate; and
    3. the certificate was issued less than 24 months prior to the current application.
  4. Immigration officers may require a further Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificate as a basis for determining an application for a residence class visa, if they consider this is necessary to establish whether the applicant has an acceptable standard of health.

Note: These instructions do not apply to people applying for a permanent resident visa who currently hold resident visas.

Effective 04/04/2011


A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (16/03/2024)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (21/02/2022)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (01/12/2021)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (05/10/2021)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-Ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (24/04/2019)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (15/12/2017)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (30/03/2015)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (17/11/2014)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (08/04/2013)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (30/07/2012)

A4.20 Medical and X-Ray Certificates: residence class visa applications (29/11/2010)

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