These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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U2.5 When a student visa is not required (25/07/2011)

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 4

A student visa or variation of conditions is not required:

  1. for work visa holders to undertake any course of study, or other training, authorised by their employer as part of their employment; or
  2. for all temporary visa holders, to undertake one or more courses of study of not more than three calendar months’ duration in total per visa stay conditions, or in each 12 month period if the visa stay conditions is valid for a minimum of 24 months; or
  3. where V2.35 applies.

Effective 25/07/2011


U2.5 When a student visa is not required (30/07/2012)

U2.5 When a student visa is not required (29/11/2010)

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