A qualification is exempt from assessment and qualifies for the indicated points if:
- the qualification is listed in the Academic Qualifications Table; and
- the awarding institution is listed in the Awarding Institutions Table; and
- the qualification abbreviation is listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table; and
- the qualification was awarded from the year listed in the right-hand column in the Awarding Institutions Table; and
- the qualification is not excluded by the notes listed under the Academic Qualifications Table.
Academic Qualifications Table
Level in NZQF terms
Points under SMC
Alapfokozat / Alapkepzes (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA)
*Abbreviations used are for the purpose of this list only.
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment.
Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All honorary degrees - All listed qualifications where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All initial teacher training degrees - All qualifications awarded after 2018
Awarding Institutions Table
Previous names and dates of change are indicated in brackets.
Qualification awarded from
Állatorvostudományi Egyetem
D: 2016
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
BA and BS: 2009
D: 2004
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
BS: 2009 D: 2004 DLA: 2016
Debreceni Egyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2000
Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem
BA and D: 2009
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 1999
Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem
BA and D: 2009
Kaposvári Egyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2005
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
BA: 2009 D: 2008
Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem
BA: 2009 D and DLA: 2005
Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem
BA: 2009 DLA: 2007
Miskolci Egyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2000
Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem (Magyar Iparmüvészeti Egyetem 2003–2006)
BA: 2009 D: 2003 DLA: 2004
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
BA, BS and D: 2018
Óbudai Egyetem
BS and D: 2017
Országos Rabbiképző-Zsidó Egyetem
BA and D: 2010
Pannon Egyetem (Veszprémi Egyetem 2000–2006)
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2000
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
BA, BS and D: 2009
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2000 DLA: 2004
Semmelweis Egyetem
BS: 2009 D: 2002
Soproni Egyetem (Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem 2003-2017)
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2003
Széchenyi István Egyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2008
Szegedi Tudományegyetem
BA and BS: 2009 D: 2000
Szent István Egyetem / St Stephens University
BA and BS: 2009
D: 2002
Színház-és Filmművészeti Egyetem
BA: 2003
D and DLA: 2004
Testnevelési Egyetem, Budapest
BS and D: 2014
Effective 13/05/2019