South Africa Exceptions (26/09/2011)
The qualifications listed in Table A below qualify for the points indicated where:
- the qualification is relevant to an occupation in Part B of the List of Skilled Occupations at Appendix 6, and
- the qualification was awarded by a Government Department or Council listed in Table B, and
- if the qualification was awarded before 1985, the applicant has evidence of a completed a Contract of Apprenticeship in the same or similar occupation as the qualification in Table A, awarded or endorsed by:
- the Registrar of Apprenticeship (1967 – 1981); or
- the Registrar of Manpower Training (1981-1985); or
- one of the Industry Training Boards listed in Table C.
- if the qualification was awarded from 1985 onward, the applicant holds a:
- Trade Diploma; or
- Trade Certificate; or
- Certificate of Qualification or Certificate listed in Table C
awarded or endorsed by
- the Registrar of Manpower Training (from 1985)
- an Industry Training Board (1985–2000); or
- a Sector Education and Training Authority (from 2000) listed in Table C, on passing a qualifying trade test in the same or similar occupation as the qualification in Table A.
Table A
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
National N3 Certificate (1967 - 2010)
National Technical Certificate Part III (Part 3) (1967 ‑ 1986)
* Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list and may not be stated on the award certificates.
Note: If any courses leading to the award of one of the qualifications listed above were taken outside of South Africa, including courses which have been cross-credited towards the listed qualifications please refer to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Table B
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Awarding Government Department or Council
(Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the list of qualifications recognised as an exception for immigration purposes only.)
Qualification awarded from
Department of Coloured Affairs (Administration of Coloured Affairs)
NTC3 1967 - 1984
Department of Education
N3 1995 - 2009
Department of Education and Culture
N3 1967 - 1994
Department of Internal Affairs
NTC3 1980 - 1984
N3 1980 - 1984
Department of National Education
NTC3 1967 - 1986
General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Council (UMALUSI) (South African Certification Council 1986 - 2001)
N3 1986 - 2010
Table C
Qualifying trade tests awarded by Government Departments, Industry Training Boards or Sector Education and Training Authorities
Qualification awarded from
Certificate (Designated Trade Certificate or Trade Certificate) awarded by the Construction Education and Training Authority (Building Industry Training Board 1991 – 2000)
1993 - 2005
Certificate (or Trade Diploma) awarded by the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Education and Training Authority (MERSETA) (Metal and Engineering Industries Education and Training Board 1991 – 2000; Motor Industry Training Board 1994 - 2000)
1991 - 2007
Certificate awarded by Electrical Contracting Industries Training Board
1993 - 2000
Certificate awarded by Energy Sector Education and Training Authority (ESKOM and Allied Industries Training Board 1994 ‑ 2000)
1994 - 2007
Certificate awarded by the Automobile Manufacturing Industry Education and Training Board
1994 - 2000
Certificate awarded by the Department of Manpower
1971 - 1994
Certificate awarded by the Furniture Industries Training Board
1997 - 2003
Certificate awarded by the Jewellery and Precious Metal Industry Training Board
1996 - 1999
Certificate awarded by the Mining Qualifications Authority (Mining Industry Engineering Trades Training Board 1991 ‑ 2000)
1991 - 2006
Certificate awarded by the Sugar Milling and Refining Industry Artisan Training Board
1995 - 2000
Certificate awarded by the Textile Industries Training Board
1999 - 2000
Certificate awarded by the Transport Education and Training Authority (Transnet Training Board 1992 - 2000)
1992 - 2008
Certificate of Qualification awarded by the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (Hairdressing and Cosmetology Industry Training Board 1998 – 2000)
1998 - 2003
Metal and Engineering Industries Artisan Training Board
1991 - 2000
Practical Competence Certificate awarded by the Media, Advertising Publishing, Printing, Packaging Sector Education Training Authority (MAPPP-SETA); or Certificate awarded by the Printing, Newspaper and Packaging Industries Training Board (1991 – 2000)
1991 - 2010
Trade Certificate awarded by the Chemical, Oil and Allied Industries Training Board
1998 - 2000
Trade Diploma awarded by the Department of Labour
1971 - 1991
Trade Diploma awarded by the Department of Manpower Utilisation
1979 - 1982
Effective 26/09/2011