RW7.20 Conditions and currency of Religious Worker visas
See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 49, 55
- Resident visas granted under these instructions will be subject to the condition that the applicant must undertake religious work for the sponsoring organisation only. This condition will apply for five years from the visa holder’s first day as a resident in New Zealand, except where RW7.20 (d) applies.
- A resident visa granted under the Religious Worker instructions is subject to the condition that the sponsor of the visa holder meets their obligations as set out in R4.10 for five years from the visa holder’s first day as a resident in New Zealand.
- The multiple entry travel conditions on a resident visa granted under the Religious Work instructions must be valid for five years from the visa holder’s first day as a resident in New Zealand.
- Despite (a) above, the holder of that visa may request that the conditions on their resident visa be varied to allow them to work for another registered charity of the same religious affiliation whose purpose is advancing religion.
Note: The sponsoring organisation can be changed, for example, where the sponsoring organisation stated on the visa is deregistered as a charitable organisation under Section 31 of the Charities Act 2005.
- Where RW7.20 (d) applies, the applicant must provide supporting documentation to confirm that:
- the new sponsoring organisation is an acceptable sponsor; and
- the visa holder will undertake religious work for the new sponsor.
Effective 07/11/2011