The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
* Abbreviations used are for the purpose of this list and may not be stated on the award certificates.
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.
Qualification awarded from
Ajou University / A-ju University
B: 1981
M: 1983
Andong National University (Andong University)
B: 1991
M: 1995
Busan National University of Technology (Pusan National Institute of Technology / Busan National Institute of Technology 1988 - 1993)
B: 1988 - 1996
M: 1992 - 1996
Catholic University of Korea, The (Catholic University 1992 - 1995, Catholic College 1974 - 1992)
B and M: 1974
Changwon National University
B and M: 1991
Cheju National University (Cheju National College / Jeju National College 1974 - 1982)
B: 1974 - 2008
M: 1980 - 2008
Cheongju National University of Education
M: 1998
Chinju National University of Education
M: 1998
Chonbuk National University
B and M: 1974
Chonnam National University
B and M: 1974
Chuncheon National University of Education
B: 1993
M: 1998
Chung-Ang University
B and M: 1974
Chungbuk National University
B and M: 1974
Chungju National University (Chungju National University of Technology 1997 - 1999)
B: 1997
M: 2011
Chungnam National University
B and M: 1974
Dongguk University
B and M: 1974
Ewha Women’s University
B and M: 1974
Gangneung-Wonju National University / Kangnung-Wonju National University
B and M: 2009
Gongju National University of Education / Kongju National University of Education
M: 1997
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
M: 1997
Gwangju National University of Education / Kwangju National University of Education
B: 2003
M: 1998
Gyeongin National University of Education (Incheon National University of Education 1993 - 2003)
B: 1993
M: 1998
Gyeongsang National University (Gyeongsang National College 1974 - 1980)
B: 1974
M: 1980
Hanbat National University (Daejeon Industrial University 1993 - 2001, Daejeon Technology University 1988 - 1993)
B: 1988
M: 1992
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
B: 1974
M: 1978
Hankyong National University (Anseong Industrial University 1993 - 1999)
B: 1993
M: 1998
Hanyang University
B and M: 1974
Hongik University / Hong-Ik University
B: 1974
M: 1981
Inha University
B and M: 1974
Inje University / In-Je University
B and M: 1989
Jeju National University
B and M: 2009
Jeju National University of Education / Cheju National University of Education
B: 2003 - 2008
Jeonju National University of Education / Chonju National University of Education
M: 1998
Jinju National University
M: 1998
Kangnung National University
B and M: 1991 - 2009
Kangwon National University
B: 1978
M: 1980
Kongju National University
B and M: 1991
Konkuk University
B and M: 1974
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST 1980-2008)
B: 1991
M: 1980
Korea Maritime University
B: 1992
M: 1994
Korea National Open University (Korea Air and Correspondence University 1993 - 1994)
B: 1993
M: 2003
Korea National University of Education
M: 1988
Korea University of Technology and Education
B: 1996
M: 1999
Korea University
B and M: 1974
Kumoh National Institute of Technology (Kumoh National University of Technology 1984 - 1993)
B: 1984
M: 1989
Kunsan National University
B: 1991
M: 2003
Kyung Hee University / Kyunghee University
B and M: 1974
Kyungpook National University
B and M: 1974
Miryang National University (Miryang National University of Industry 1993 - 1999)
B: 1993 - 2006
M: 2000 - 2006
Mokpo National Maritime University
B: 1997
M: 2000
Mokpo National University
B: 1990
M: 1991
National Fisheries University of Pusan / National Fisheries University of Busan (Busan Fisheries College 1978 - 1990)
B: 1978 - 1996
M: 1991 - 1996
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) (Pohang Institute of Science and Technology 1991 - 1994)
B: 1991
M: 1994
Pukyong National University
B and M: 1996
Pusan National University
B and M: 1974
Pusan National University of Education
B: 1993
M: 1998
Samcheok National University (Samcheok Industrial University 1995 - 1998)
B: 1995 - 2006
M: 1999 - 2006
Sangju National University
B: 1999 - 2007
Sejong University
B and M: 1987
Seoul National University of Education
M: 1998
Seoul National University of Technology / Seoul National Polytech University (Seoul National Polytechnic Institute 1988 - 1993)
B: 1988
M: 1996
Seoul National University
B and M: 1974
Sogang University
B and M: 1974
Sookmyung Women's University
B and M: 1974
Soongsil University (Soongjeon College 1974 - 1987)
B and M: 1974
Sunchon National University
B: 1991
M: 1993
Sungkyunkwan University
B and M: 1974
University of Inchon (Incheon Technical College 1987 - 1994)
B: 1987
M: 1992
University of Seoul, The (Seoul City University 1987 - 1997)
B: 1987
M: 1989
Yonsei University
B and M: 1974
Yosu National University (Yosu National Fisheries University 1993 - 1998, Yosu National Fisheries College 1990 - 1993)
B: 1990 - 2006
M: 1996 - 2006