A9.1 INZ’s Client Complaint Resolution Process (29/08/2012)
Immigration New Zealand’s (INZ) Client Complaint Resolution Process (CCRP) is a two-stage system providing clients with an avenue to seek resolution of a complaint relating to the service they received from INZ. The CCRP is not an avenue to seek a review of a declined visa application, an invitation to apply for residence or a request for a visa made under section 61 of the Immigration Act 2009.
Full information about the CCRP can be found on the INZ website Complaints Process page.
- INZ’s expectation is that clients will access the CCRP to seek resolution of a complaint before approaching the Office of the Ombudsmen.
- INZ endeavours to acknowledge all complaints within two working days of receipt and to send a response at Stage 1 within 15 working days of receipt and within 20 working days of receipt at Stage 2.
- Where INZ determines that it erred in the provision of a service to a client, a remedy, if appropriate, will be provided in the response.
A9.1.1 Stage one of the CCRP
- Stage one of the CCRP is for complaints about matters that have been handled at branch level and are to be directed in the first instance to the Branch Manager of that branch. The contact details for each branch can be found on the INZ website on the Contact Us page.
A9.1.5 Stage two of the CCRP
- Stage two of the CCRP is used where a complaint could not be resolved at stage one of the CCRP, or for complaints about matters that have been handled by INZ other than at branch level. Complaints under stage two of the CCRP can be made by writing to:
Deputy Chief Executive – Immigration Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment PO Box 3705 Wellington 6140
By facsimile to: +64 04 915 6278
By email to: dcecomplaints@mbie.govt.nz
- It is the complainant’s responsibility to escalate their complaint to Stage Two quickly after receiving the Stage One response and to clearly state their reasons for being unsatisfied with the Stage One response.
Note: If a complaint concerning the actions of a branch is submitted to stage two of the CCRP without having first gone through stage one, the complaint will usually be treated as a complaint at stage one and directed to the appropriate Branch Manager for consideration.
Effective 29/08/2012