These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WS3 Evidence required (26/11/2012)

People applying for a specific purpose or event work visa (with the exception of entertainers, performing artists, film and video production crew, and associated support personnel who have special requirements see WS3.1), must provide:

  1. evidence of the amount of time they need to be in New Zealand; and
  2. evidence of a job offer, invitation, or schedule of events, if required by WS2; and
  3. a completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113), if a job offer is required by WS2; and
  4. evidence of their qualifications or experience relevant to the position or event, if required by WS2; and
  5. evidence of their international merit or distinction, if requested by an immigration officer; and
  6. evidence of any other requirements in WS2 being met.

Effective 26/11/2012


WS3 Evidence required (01/04/2017)

WS3 Evidence required (11/04/2016)

WS3 Evidence required (08/04/2013)

WS3 Evidence required (29/11/2010)

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