WJ6.10 Work experience
Evidence of relevant work experience can include, but is not limited to:
Effective 17/12/2012
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (11/04/2024)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (03/07/2023)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (31/10/2022)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (08/05/2017)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (01/04/2017)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (08/04/2013)
WJ6 Applications for work visas for foreign crew of fishing vessels (17/12/2012)
WJ6.1 Application requirements
WJ6.5 Additional requirements for non-Approval in Principle applicants
WJ6.15 Conditions of the work visa