RV2.10 Permanent resident visas for holders of resident visas with investment conditions imposed under sections 49(1) or 50
- Principal applicants will be granted a permanent resident visa if the requirements of RV2.10(b) have been met and they were previously granted a resident visa under:
- the Migrant Investment Categories; or
- the Parent Retirement Category; or
- the Active Investor Plus visa category.
- At the time of application, principal applicants must:
- either hold or be deemed to hold a resident visa, or have held a resident visa in the three months before the application is made; and
- have held, or have been deemed to hold, a resident visa for at least 24 months; and
- have met conditions previously imposed under section 49(1) or section 50 of the Immigration Act 2009; and
- meet character requirements for residence (see A5).
Effective 19/09/2022