U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (to 06 July 2015)
Note: These instructions cease to be effective from 06 July 2015.
U6.1 Programmes of study lasting longer than 3 months
U6.5 Distance education (correspondence) students
U6.10 Membership of professional associations
U6.15 Graduation
U6.25 Further temporary visas
U6.30 Currency of student visas
U6.35 Visas for the length of a programme of study: Aviation students
U6.40 Conditions of student visas
U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (02/12/2013)
U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (08/04/2013)
U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (25/07/2011)
U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (29/11/2010)