The following qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
Table A: Qualifications awarded 1970-2007
(Qualifications awarded prior to 1970 should be referred to the NZQA for assessment)
Level in New Zealand terms
Points under SMC
Högeskoleexamen (University Certificate/University Diploma/Diploma of Higher Education/National Certificate)
(1977-1986, 1993-2007)
At least level 6*
Filosofie Kandidatexamen (1970-1976, 1987-1992)
At least level 7*
Kandidatexamen (1993-2007)
Level 7
Filosofie Kandidatexamen or Högeskoleexamen or Kandidatexamen with the following professional titles
- agronomexamen (agronomist)
- apotekarexamen (pharmacist
- arkitektexamen (architect)
- bergsingenjörsexamen (geotechnology engineer)
- civilingenjörsexamen (civil engineer)
- ingenjörsexamen i datateknik (computer science and engineer)
- ekonomexamen (economics and business administration)
- ingenjörsexamen i electroteknik (electrical engineer)
- ingenjörsexamen i farkostteknik (vehicle engineer)
- hortonomexamen (horticulture)
- jägmästarexamen (forestry)
- juris kandidatexamen (law)
- industriell arbetsmiljö ingenjörsexamen (industrial working environment engineer)
- ingenjörsexamen i kemiteknik (chemical engineer)
- kemiteknikingenjör med fysik (chemical engineer/physics)
- konsthantverkslinjen (applied arts/fine arts)
- läkarexamen (medical doctor)
- landskapsarkitektexamen (landscape architect)
- ingenjörsexamen i lantmäteri (survey engineer)
- logopedexamen (speech therapist)
- injenjörsexamen i maskinteknik (mechanical engineer)
- ingenjörsexamen i materialteknik (materials technology engineer)
- ingenjörsexamen i miljö- och vattenteknik (environmental/water engineer)
- ingenjör i molekylär bioteknik (molecular biotechnology engineer)
- psykologexamen (psychologist)
- Samhällsbyggnadsteknik ingenjör (environmental planning and design engineer)
- tandläkerexamen (dentist)
- teknisk fysik ingenjörsexamen (engineering physics)
- teknisk fysik-och elektroteknik ingenjörsexamen (physics/electrical engineer)
- teologie kandidatexamen (theologist)
- veterinärexamen (veterinarian)
At least level 7*
Magisterexamen (1993-2007)
Level 8
Magisterexamen med ämnesbredd (2001-2007)
Completed after a Filosofie Kandidatexamen, Kandidatexamen/ Högeskoleexamen
Level 8
Magisterexamen med ämnesdjup (2001-2007)
Level 8
International Masters Degree
At least Level 8*
Licentiatexamen (Licentiate) (1970-1971, 1981-2007)
Level 9
Filosofie Doctorsexamen (Doctorate) (1970-1974)
Level 10
Doctorsexamen (Doctorate) (1975-2007)
Level 10
*In some cases these qualifications may qualify for a higher level in New Zealand terms. If applicants wish to pursue this possibility for their qualifications, they should apply to NZQA for a qualification assessment report.
Qualifications awarded outside the specified date ranges will need to be submitted to NZQA for assessment.
The following Public and Private Institutions of Higher Education may award all the qualifications listed above:
Institution Name
(Previous names and dates of change indicated in brackets)
Qualifications awarded from
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (Blekinge Institute of Technology)
All except L and D from 1992
L from 2001
D from 2003
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (Chalmers University of Technology)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Göteborgs Universitet (University of Gothenburg)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm School of Economics)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Högskolan i Jönköping (Jönköping University Foundation)
H from 1997
K from 1997
PT from 1998
M from 2006
MMK from 2006
MMA from 2006
IM and L from 2006
D from 2008
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated.
Högskolan i Kalmar (Kalmar University College/University of Kalmar)
H from 1997 to 2009
FK from 1997 to 2009
K from 1997 to 2009
PT from 1997 to 2009
M from 2003 to 2009
MMK from 2003 to 2009
MMA from 2003 to 2009
IM from 2003 to 2009
L from 2004 to 2009
D from 2006 to 2009
Högskolan i Luleå (University College Luleå)
H from 1977 to 1996
K from 1996 Only
PT from 1974 to 1996
FK from 1974 to 1996
L from 1981 to 1996
D from 1981 to 1996
Karlstad Universitet (Karlstad University) (Karlstad i Högskolan see Table D)
H from 1999
K from 1999
M from 2000
IM from 2000
MMA from 2002
MMK from 2002
PT from 2002
L from 2001
D from 2003
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated.
Karolinska Institutet (Karolinska Institute)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm (Royal University College of Music in Stockholm)
FK from 1974
H from 1980
K from 1996
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Linköpings Universitet (Linköping University)
Qualifications in the following fields, listed in Table A, are effective from 1989:
- Nursing
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Medical Pedagogy
- Public Health
All other qualifications listed in Table A from 1973
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Linnaeus Universitet) (merged Växjö University and University of Kalmar in 2010)
All qualifications listed in Table A and Table B from 2010
Luleå Tekniska Universitet (Luleå University of Technology)
All qualifications listed in Table A and Table B from 1997
Lunds Universitet (Lund University)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Mälardalens Högskola (Mälardalen University College/Mälardalen University)
H from 1980
FK from 1990
K from 1996
L from 2003
D from 2005
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Malmö Högskola (Malmö University College/Malmö University)
H from 2001
K from 2001
M, IM, MMK - following H or K awarded by Malmö Högskola from 2003
M, IM, MMK – following H or K awarded by an institution other than Malmö Högskola from 1999
MMA from 2002
L – following a K awarded by Malmö Högskola from 2003
L – following a K awarded by an institution other than Malmö Högskola from 2000
D – following an L, MMA, M, IM, or MMK awarded by an institution other than Malmö Högskola from 2002
D – following an L, MMA, M, IM, or MMK awarded by Malmö Högskola from 2006
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University)
H and K from 1993
MMK from 2002
L from 2007
D from 2009
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated.
Örebro Universitet (Örebro University) (Högskolan i Örebro, see Table D)
H and K from 1999
M from 2000
MMK and MMA from 2002
L from 2001
D from 2003
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated
Stockholms Universitet (Stockholm University)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) (incorporating Kungliga Veterinärhögskolan 1970-1977; Skogshögskolan 1970-1977, and Lantbrukshögskolan 1970-1977)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1977 and Table B from date indicated.
Umeå Universitet i Umeå (Umeå University)
D in Industrial Design from 2001
All other qualifications in Table A from 1997 to 2007 and Table B from date indicated.
Uppsala Universitet (Uppsala University)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1970 and Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Växjö Universitet (Växjö University)
All qualifications listed in Table A from 1997 to 2007 and Table B from date indicated.
The following University Colleges (Högskolan) may award all qualifications above except the Licentiatexamen (Licentiate), Filosofie Doktorsgrad and Doktorsexamen (Doctorate) both before and after 2007:
Institution Name
(Previous names and dates of change indicated in brackets)
Qualifications awarded from
Beckmans Designhögskola (Beckmans College of Design)
K from 2003
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
Dans och Cirkushögskolan (University College of Dance and Circus) (Danshögskolan - University College of Dance 1978-2009; Nationella Dansskola - National Dance School 1970-1977)
FK from 1970
H from 1977
K from 1993
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
ME from 2010
Dramatiska Institutet (University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre)
FK from 1973
H from 1977
K from 1993
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
Ersta Sköndal Högskola (Ersta Sköndal University College)
H from 2000
K from 2001
M from 1999
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
ME from 2008
Försvarshögskolan (Swedish National Defence College)
KE from 2011
ME from 2009
Gymnastik- Och Idrottshögskolan (Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports, also known as Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences)
FK from 1970
H from 1977
K from 1993
And all qualifications, except LE and DE, in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Högskolan i Borås (Borås University College)
H from 1980
FK from 1991
K from 1996
M from 1994
MMK and MMA from 2002
And all qualifications, except LE and DE, in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Högskolan Dalarna (Dalarna Universtity College)
H from 1980
FK from 1991
K from 1996
M from 1994
MMK and MMA from 2002
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B except LE and DE.
Högskolan på Gotland (Gotland University College)
M from 1999
MMK from 1999
MMA from 1999
IM from 1999
H and K from 2001
And all qualifications, except LE and DE, in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Högskolan i Gävle (Gävle University College)
H from 1980
FK from 1991
K from 1996
M from 1994
MMK and MMA from 2002
And all qualifications, except LE and DE, in Table B from date indicated in Table B.
Högskolan Halmstad (Halmstad University College)
H from 1983
FK from 1987
K from 1993
M and IM from 1995
MMK and MMA from 2002
Qualifications in Table B from date indicated in Table B except LE and DE.
Högskolan i Karlstad (Karlstad University College1979-1998)
H from 1979
FK from 1987
K from 1993
M from 1994
Högskolan i Kristianstad (Kristianstad University College)
H from 1977
FK from 1977
K from 1977
PT from 1977
M from 1977
MMK from 1977
MMA from 1977
IM from 1977
ME from 2008
MA from 2009
Högskolan i Örebro (Örebro University College, 1979 -1998)
H from 1979
FK from 1987
K from 1993
Högskolan i Skövde (Skövde University College)
H from 1983
FK from 1983
K from 1983
PT from 1983
M from 1983
MMK from 1983
MMA from 1983
IM from 1983
ME from 2008
MA from 2009
Högskolan Väst (University College West) (Högskolan i Trollhättan/Uddevalla 1990-2005)
H from 2006
FK from 2006
K from 2006
PT from 2006
M from 2006
MMK from 2006
MMA from 2006
IM from 2006
ME from 2008
MA from 2009
Konstfack (University College of Art, Craft and Design)
H from 1977
FK from 1982
K from 1993
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
Kungliga Konsthögskolan (Royal University College of Fine Arts)
H from 1980
FK from 1987
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
Operahögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm University College of Opera)
H from 1977
FK from 1971
K from 1987
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
ME from 2008
MA from 2009
Örebro Missionsskola (Örebro Theological Seminary)
H from 1979
FK from 1987
K from 1993
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
Södertörns Högskola (Södertörn University College)
H from 1999
FK from 1999
K from 1999
PT from 1999
M from 1999
MMK from 1999
MMA from 1999
IM from 1999
ME from 2008
MA from 2009
Stiftelsen Stockholms Akademi för Psykoterapiutbildning (The Stockholm Academy for Psychotherapy Training)
K from 1996
M from 1994
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
ME from 2008
Teaterhögskolan i Stockholm (Stockholm University College of Acting)
FK from 1970
H from 1977
K from 1993
HE from 2009
KE from 2010
ME from 2008
Teologiska Högskolan Stockholm (Stockholm School of Theology)
H from 1995
K from 1996
HE from 2009
KE from 2010