The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
National Certificate (S1)/National Certificate/Certificate in Technology (from 1995)
Refer to NZQA for assessment
National Higher Certificate (for Technicians) (1972 ‑ 1987)
NHC (Tech)
National N Diploma (1967 ‑ 2016) (may incorporate National N Certificates N4, N5 and N6)
National N6 Certificate (1967-2014) (must also have evidence of holding National N5 Certificate)
National Technical Certificate Part 6 (1967 - 1986) (must also have evidence of holding National Technical Certificate Part 5)
National Technical Diploma (1972 - 1987)
National Diploma (T3)/National Diploma (1988 - 1995)
National Diploma for Technicians (1972 - 1987)
ND (Tech)
National Diploma (S3)/National Diploma (from 1995)
ND (DipTech)
National Higher Diploma (S4)/National higher Diploma/Higher Diploma (in Technology) (1995 - 2008)
NHD (HDipTech)
National Higher Diploma (T4)/National Higher Diploma (1988 ‑ 1995)
National Diploma (for Technicians) (1972 ‑ 1987) of four years duration and a 'Statement of Equivalence to a National Higher Diploma'
Refer to NZQA for assessment
Baccalaureus Technologiae (Bachelor of Technology) (from 1995)
Master’s Diploma in Technology (T5)/Master’s Diploma in Technology (1988 ‑ 1996)
Magister Technologiae (Master of Technology) (from 1996)
Laureatus in Technology (1988 ‑ 1996)
Doctor Technologiae (Doctor of Technology) (from 1996)
* Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list and may not be stated on the award certificates.
** If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
The following government departments may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Government Departments
(Alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.)
Qualifications awarded from
Department of Coloured Affairs (Administration of Coloured Affairs)
NDTech 1975 - 1984
Department of Internal Affairs
NTC6 1980 - 1984
N6 1980 - 1984
Department of Education and Culture
N6 1967 – 1994
NHC (Tech) 1972 – 1987
ND (Tech) 1972 – 1987
ND 1988 - 1994
NHD 1988 - 1994
NND 1967 - 1994
NTD 1972 – 1987
MDipTech 1988 – 1994
Department of Education
N6 1995 - 2008
ND (DipTech) 1995 - 2008
NND 1995 - 2009
Department of National Education
NTC6 1967 - 1986
NHC (Tech) 1972 - 1987
ND (Tech) 1972 - 1987
NHD 1988 - 1994
NTD 1972 - 1987
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
(Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.)
Qualification awarded from
Border Technikon
ND (DipTech) 2000 - 2005
NHD (HDipTech) 2001 ‑ 2005
BTech 2003 - 2005
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
ND (DipTech) 2005
BTech 2005
MTech 2005
DTech 2005
Cape Technikon
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 - 2005
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2005
BTech 1995 – 2005
MDipTech 1988 – 1996
MTech 1996 – 2005
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 2001 - 2005
Central University of Technology, Free State (Technikon Free State 1987-2004)
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 - 2008
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995
BTech 1996
MTech 1997
DTech 1999
Durban University of Technology (Durban Institute of Technology 2002 – 2006)
ND (DipTech) 2002
BTech 2002
MTech 2002
DTech 2002
Eastern Cape Technikon
ND (DipTech) 1996 - 2005
NHD (HDipTech) 1997 - 2005
BTech 2002 - 2005
Mangosuthu University of Technology (Mangosuthu Technikon 1990 - 2007)
ND 1990 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995
BTech 1996
ML Sultan Technikon
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2002
NHD 1990 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2002
BTech 1997 – 2002
MDipTech 1988 – 1996
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1997 - 2002
DTech 1998 - 2002
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
ND (DipTech) 2005
BTech 2005
MTech 2005
DTech 2005
Peninsula Technikon
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2005
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2005
BTech 1996 - 2005
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1998 – 2005
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 2002 - 2005
Port Elizabeth Technikon
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2004
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2004
BTech 1995 - 2004
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1996 – 2004
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 1998 - 2004
Technikon Natal
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2002
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2002
BTech 1995 - 2002
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1996 – 2002
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 1997 - 2002
Technikon Northern Gauteng (Technikon Northern Transvaal 1991-1997)
ND 1991 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 - 2003
NHD 1992 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2003
BTech 1999 - 2003
MTech 2000 - 2003
Technikon North-West (Setlogelo Technikon 1991 ‑ 1997)
ND 1994
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2003
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 – 2003
BTech 1995 - 2003
Technikon Pretoria
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2003
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2003
BTech 1996 - 2003
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1996 – 2003
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 1997 - 2003
Technikon Southern Africa (Technikon RSA 1987 ‑ 1993)
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2004
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2004
BTech 1996 - 2004
MTech 1997 – 2004
DTech 2003 – 2004
Technikon Witwatersrand
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995 – 2004
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2004
BTech 1996 - 2004
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1997 – 2004
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 2004
Tshwane University of Technology
ND (DipTech) 2004
BTech 2004
MTech 2004
DTech 2004
University of Johannesburg
ND (DipTech) 2005
BTech 2005
MTech 2005
University of South Africa
ND (DipTech) 2004
BTech 2004
MTech 2004
Vaal University of Technology (Vaal Triangle Technikon 1987 ‑ 2003)
ND (Tech) 1987
ND 1988 – 1995
ND (DipTech) 1995
NHD 1988 – 1995
NHD (HDipTech) 1995 - 2003
BTech 1995
MDipTech 1988 - 1996
MTech 1996
LaurTech 1988 - 1996
DTech 1999
Walter Sisulu University for Technology and Science (Walter Sisulu University)
ND (DipTech) 2005
BTech 2005