United Kingdom - Academic Qualifications (10/12/2012)
Academic Qualifications
The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Bachelor (Honours) or Bachelor (with Honours) degree listed below:
Honours degrees may be classified as either:
- First-Class Honours or (1st) or 1st;
- Upper Second-Class Honours or (2:1) or 2:1;
- Lower Second-Class Honours or (2:2)or 2:2
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Dental Surgery / Bachelor of Dentistry
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Bachelor of Veterinary Science
Master of Arts with Honours (in First or Second Class)
Master of Arts
Master of Literature
Master of Philosophy
Master of Research
Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
*Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list and may not be stated on the award certificates.
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications.
All honorary degrees must be referred to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
If any courses leading to the award of one of the qualifications listed above were taken outside of the United Kingdom, including courses which have been cross-credited towards the listed qualifications please refer to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
All qualifications awarded after 2012 should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment unless an awarding date after 2012 is specifically stated.
Awarding Institutions
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Previous names and dates of change, and alternative institution names which may be included on the award certificate are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.
Qualifications awarded from
Aston University (University of Aston in Birmingham 1977 - 1997)
BEng: 1991
BSc, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1982
Brunel University
BA, BEng and LLB: 1992
BSc, MA, MSc and MPhil: 1982
PhD: 1977
Cardiff University
BA, BEng, LLB, BSc and PhD: 2008
BDS and MD: 2011
MA, MPhil, MRes and MSc: 2007
City University, The
BA, and LLB: 2000
BEng: 1992
BSc, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
MA: 1982
Cranfield University (Cranfield Institute of Technology 1982 - 1993)
BEng: 1991 - 2006
BSc: 1982 - 2006
MSc and PhD: 1982
MPhil: 1991
Heriot-Watt University
BA, BSc, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 2000
MPhil: 1991
Imperial College London
BEng, BSc, MPhil, MRes, MSc and PhD: 2010
MD: 2011
Loughborough University (Loughborough University of Technology 1977 -1995)
BA, BEng, and MPhil: 1991
BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
Open University, The
BA, MPhil and PhD: 1982
BSc: 2000
MA and MSc: 1991
Queen's University of Belfast (Queen’s University Belfast)
BA, BDS, LLB, MD, BMus, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng and MPhil: 2000
University of Aberdeen, The
LLB, MD, BSc, MAH, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1990
University of Bath
BA: 1982
BEng, MA and MPhil: 1991
BSc, MSc and PhD: 1977
MRes: 2005
University of Birmingham
BA, BDS, LLB, MD, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
MLitt and MPhil: 1982
University of Bradford
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng and MPhil: 1982
MRes: 2000
University of Bristol
BA, BDS, LLB, MD, BSc, BVS, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng and MPhil: 1992
MLitt: 1977 - 2005
University of Cambridge
BA, MD, LLB, BVM, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1982
University of Dundee, The
BDS, LLB, MD, BSc, MAH, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1982
University of Durham
BA, BSc, MA, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng, LLB and MPhil: 2000
University of East Anglia
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
LLB and MPhil: 1982
University of Edinburgh, The
BDS: 1977 - 1994
MD, LLB, BSc, BVMS MAH, MSc and PhD: 1977
BMus and MPhil: 1982
MLitt: 1977 - 2000
University of Essex
BA, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 2000
LLB: 1991
BSc and MPhil: 1982
University of Exeter
BA, LLB, BSc, MA and PhD: 1977
BEng and MPhil: 1991
MSc: 1982
University of Glasgow
BDS, LLB, MD, BMus, BSc, BVMS, MAH,MLitt, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
University of Hull
BA, LLB, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
MPhil: 1982
University of Keele
BA, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
LLB and MPhil: 2000
BSc: 1982
MLitt: 1991
University of Kent, The (The University of Kent at Canterbury 1977 - 2003)
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng, LLB and MRes: 2000
MPhil: 1982
University of Lancaster
BA, MA, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1992
BSc, LLB and MPhil: 1982
MRes: 2000
University of Leeds
BA, MD, LLB, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1992
University of Leicester
BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
LLB, MD and MPhil: 1982
University of Liverpool
BA, BDS, BEng, LLB, MD, BSc, BVS, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1982
University of London
BA, BDS, LLB, MD, BSc, BScBVM, BVM, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1982
BMus: 1991
MRes: 2000
University of Manchester (Victoria University of Manchester 1977 - 2004)
BA, LLB, BDS, MD, BMus, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng and Phil: 1991
MRes: 2000
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
BA, BDS, LLB, MD, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
MRes: 2000
University of Nottingham
BA, LLB, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
MD and MPhil: 1982
MRes: 2000
University of Oxford
BA: 1977
MDMLitt, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1982
University of Reading
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1992
LLB: 1982
University of Salford
BA and MA: 1982
BEng and MPhil: 1991
BSc, MSc and PhD: 1977
MRes: 2000
University of Sheffield
BA, BDS, BEng, LLB, MD, BSc, MA and PhD: 1977
MPhil and MSc: 1992
University of Southampton
BA, LLB, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1992
MRes: 2000
University of St. Andrews
BSc, MAH, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1982
University of Stirling
BA, BSc and MLitt: 1982
MPhil: 1992
MSc and PhD: 1977
University of Strathclyde
BA, LLB, BSc, MA, MLitt, MSc and PhD: 1977
MPhil: 1991
MRes: 2000
University of Surrey
BA, MA and BMus: 1982
BEng: 1991
LLB: 2000
BSc, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
University of Sussex
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng: 1991
LLB: 2000
University of Ulster
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1984
BEng and BMus: 1991
MRes: 2000
University of Warwick
BA, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
BEng and MRes: 2000
LLB: 1982
University of York
BA, BEng, BSc, MA, MPhil, MSc and PhD: 1977
MRes: 2000
Professional Qualifications
The following institution may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Qualification awarded from
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
Certificate of Completion of Professional Stage Examinations
1992 - 2003
Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (Professional Stage) and Level 5 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (Foundation Stage)
2003 - 2009
Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply
2006 - 2012
*The qualifications listed above have been given an academic level outcome only, they should not be considered comparable to a United Kingdom Bachelor with Honours degree.
Effective 10/12/2012