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WI8 Special work visas for partners of holders of military visas (04/04/2011)

Partners (see E4.1.20) of people granted, or deemed to be granted, a military visas (see M1) may be granted work visas and entry permission for the same period as the military visa held, or deemed to be held, by the applicant's partner.

  1. Applicants must meet temporary entry class requirements for lodging an application as set out at E4, bona fide applicants as set out at E5, and health and character requirements as set out at A4.5 and A5.5, but are exempt from:
    1. providing a application fee; and
    2. meeting funds or sponsorship requirements; and
    3. meeting onward travel requirements; and
    4. providing a job offer.
  2. Applicants must prove to the satisfaction of an immigration officer that:
    1. they are living together with their partner in a genuine and stable partnership at the time the application is made; and
    2. they comply with the minimum requirements for recognition of partnerships (see E4.1.10 and F2.15); and
    3. their partner supports the application.
  3. Evidence of the applicant’s relationship to the military visa holder must be provided in the following forms:
    1. evidence of their relationship with their partner, and
    2. evidence that demonstrates they are living together with that partner in a genuine and stable partnership at the time the application is made (F2.20 sets out the types of evidence that are required).
  4. Before granting a work visa an immigration officer must be satisfied that the applicant’s partner:
    1. holds a military visa; or
    2. is eligible to be granted a military visa; or
    3. is deemed to be granted a military visa.
  5. Any work visas granted under these instructions will:
    1. be endorsed with conditions that allow work for any employer; and
    2. allow travel to New Zealand on multiple journeys.

Effective 04/04/2011


WI8 Special work visas for partners of holders of military visas (17/11/2014)

WI8 Special work visas for partners of holders of military visas (29/11/2010)

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