Germany Exceptions (27/01/2014)
The trade qualifications in Table A may be awarded the points indicated where:
- the qualification is relevant to an occupation in Part B of the List of Skilled Occupations at Appendix 6; and
- the applicant also provides evidence of completing an apprenticeship in Table B.
Table A
Awarded by a Berufsschule or Berufsfachbschule
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Abschlußzeugnis (Leaving certificate / certificate of completion)
(Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsschule) (Certificate of a vocational school)
Berufsschulabschluß (Vocational school degree)
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated, they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Note: - Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications. - If any courses leading to the award of one of the qualifications listed in Table A were studied at any institution outside of Germany, including any German overseas campuses, or any study was cross-credited towards the listed qualifications, please refer the qualification to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment. - All qualifications awarded after 2013 should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification.
Table B
Apprenticeship Certificates **
The applicant provides evidence of completing an apprenticeship by providing any one of the following certificates: awarded between 1980 and 2013 by a Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) or a Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Crafts)
- Gesellenbrief / Gesellenbriefe (Apprenticeship / Journeyman)
- Gesellenprüfung (Trade test) / Gesellenprufüngzeugnis (Trade test certificate)
- Facharbeiterbrief / Facharbeiterbriefe (Craft certificate)
** An official stamp on the apprenticeship documents will state the chamber name and the German State of jurisdiction. The apprenticeship documents must state one of the following crafts / trades.
- Brunnenbauer (Well-sinker)
- Dachdecker (Roofer)
- Elektromaschinenbauer (Electrical machine engineer)
- Elektrotechniker (Electrical engineer)
- feinwerkmechaniker (Precision engineer)
- Gerüstbauer (Scaffolder)
- Glaser (Glazier)
- Informationstechniker (Communication technician)
- Installateur und Heizungsbauer (Installer and heating fitter)
- kälteanlagenbauer (Refrigeration mechanic)
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer (Coachbuilder /Body and vehicle manufacturer)
- Klempner (Plumber)
- kraftfahrzeugtechniker (Automotive mechatronics Technician /Motor vehicle mechanic)
- Landmaschinenmechaniker (Mechanic for agricultural and construction machinery)
- Maler und Lackierer (Painter and varnisher)
- Maurer und Betonbauer (Bricklayer and concrete worker)
- Metallbauer (Metal worker)
- Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer (Stove and air heating mechanic)
- Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer (Stonemason)
- Straßenbauer (Road construction worker)
- Stuckateur (Plasterer)
- Tischler (Joiner)
- Vulkaniseur und Reifenmechaniker (Mechanic for tyres and vulcanisation)
- Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer (Thermal and acoustic insulation fitter / heat cold and noise insulation)
- Zimmerer (Carpenter)
Effective 27/01/2014