H4 Applications for visas for diplomatic, consular, and official staff, and their dependants (30/03/2015)
See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010 reg 13
- Applications for visas for diplomatic, consular and official staff and accompanying dependants must be made at the request of the applicant's sending State to the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade or to an immigration officer at an INZ office.
- Applicants must meet the bona fide applicant requirement as set out at E5, but are exempt from:
- lodgement requirements; and
- providing an application fee; and
- providing an application in the prescribed form; and
- meeting funds or sponsorship requirements; and
- meeting onward travel requirements; and
- health and character requirements.
- Applications must include the following information:
- full names; and
- date and place of birth; and
- gender; and
- country/countries of citizenship; and
- physical address of diplomatic mission or consular post; and
- diplomatic designation; and
- type, number and expiry of passport (diplomatic/official); and
- if applicable, the expected arrival date in New Zealand; and
- approximate duration of their assignment in New Zealand; and
- if applicable, the name of the person being replaced; and
- if applicable, the details of the officially recognised members of the diplomatic, consular or official staff member’s family who form part of their household in New Zealand.
Effective 30/03/2015