The following qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
* All Master or Doctorate degrees not listed should go to NZQA for individual assessment.
The following institutions may award the qualifications listed in the table from the dates listed. Any qualifications not listed need to go NZQA for individual assessment
For the purposes of the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment ‘any date’ or ‘until’ refers to a date on or after 1960.
Institution Name
(Previous name and dates of change indicated in brackets)
Qualifications awarded from
Asian Institute of Technology
Meng from 1974
MSc from 1974
MBA from 1978
DEng from 1974
DTSc from 1978
PhD from 1996
DBA from 2007
Assumption University (Assumption Business Administration College 1978-1990)
B from 1978
PhDCIS from 2000
PhDCEM from 2000
Bangkok University (Bangkok College 1974-1984)
BBA from 1974
B from 1991
MBA from 1991
MCA from 2003
PhDBA from 2003
Burapha University
B from 1990
M from 1996
Chiang Mai University
B from 1968
M from 2000
MD from 1965
DDS from 1974
Christian University of Thailand (Christian College 1991-2001)
BSN from 1991
B from 2007
Chulabhorn Graduate Institute
MSc from 2007
PhD from 2008
Chulalongkorn University
B from any date
MD from any date
M from 1974
DVM from 1974
DDS from 1974
Dhurakij Pundit University (Dhurakijpundit College – College of Business Administration 1974-1984)
B from 1974
Eastern Asia University
B from 2001
International Buddhist College
B from 2009
Kasetsart University
B from any date
M from any date
DVM from 1974
PhD from 1986
Khon Kaen University
B from 1977
M from 1986
MD from 1980
DDS from 1991
PhD from 2007
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology (1972 – 1986)
B from 1972 to 1986
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Ladkrabang (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 1986-1998)
B from 1986
M from 1991
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok 1986-1998)
B from 1986
M from 1991
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi 1986-1998)
B from 1986
M from 1991
Mae Fah Luang University
B from 2003
Maejo University (Meijo Institute of Agricultural Technology 1980-1996)
B from 1980
Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University
B from 1997
Mahamakut Buddhist University
B from 1997
Mahasarakham University
B from 1994
M from 2000
Mahidol University (University of Medical Sciences 1960-1969)
B from any date
MD from any date
DDS from 1974
Naresuan University
B from 1990
M from 1996
MD from 2001
DDS from 2003
National Institute of Development Administration
M from 1966
PhD from 2003
North-Chiang Mai University
B from 2004
Prince of Songkla University
B from 1972
M from 1986 to 2000
MD from 1979
DDS from 1991
Ramkhamhaeng University (Open University)
B from 1975
M from 1998
Rangsit University
B from 1990
MD from 1995
Shinawatra University
B from 2004
MBA from 2004
Siam University (Siam Technical University 1986-1989, Siam Technical College 1979-1986)
BBA from 1979
B from 1986
M from 1991
Silpakorn University
B from any date
M from 1974
Srinakharinwirot University
B from 1980
M from 1980
MD from 1991
DDS from 2003
Sripatum University (Thai Suriya College/Sripathum College 1974-1987)
B from 1974
M from 1996
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
B from 1984
M from 2003
Suranaree University of Technology
B from 1996
M from 1999
Thammasat University
B from any date
M from 1974
MD from 1997
DDS from 2003
Ubon Rajathanee University
B from 1990
M from 2003
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (College of Commerce 1974 - 1984)
B from 1974
M from 1991
Vongchavalitkul University (Vongchavalitkul College 1988-1994)
B from 1988
Walailak University
B from 1997