V2.15 Multiple journey visas (26/03/2012)
- The objective of the multiple journey visa instructions is to facilitate opportunities for individuals who have bona fide reasons to regularly travel to New Zealand for visits of up to six months.
- To be granted a multiple journey visa under these instructions applicants:
- must lodge an application for a visitor visa, as set out in E4, from outside New Zealand; and
- must meet visitor visa requirements (see V2.1); and
- must not have been in New Zealand for more than nine months in the preceding 18-month period (see V2.5) at the time the application is lodged.
- On arrival, an applicant may be granted entry permission, provided that they will not spend more than six months in New Zealand in the 12-month period before the end of their current stay.
- Multiple journey visas may be current for travel for up to 36 months from the date they are granted so long as the passport remains valid, except in the case of nationals of the United States of America, in which case the visa may be current for travel for up to 48 months from the date it is granted.
- Where an applicant is applying under another visitor category that allows multiple journey visas, those instructions prevail.
V2.15.1 Grant of further multiple journey visas
A further multiple journey visa will not normally be approved where an applicant has used their maximum entitlement and seeks to cancel their current visa in order to apply for a further one.
Effective 26/03/2012