U5.1 Status of education providers and programmes (22/08/2016)
- All education providers must certify in their offers of places to foreign students (see U3.5) that the programme of study or training scheme offered complies with foreign student requirements for different kinds of education providers (see U5.5-U5.20).
- All education providers offering places to foreign students must be signatories to the Ministry of Education's Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice 2016.
- Any queries on the status of programmes or training schemes offered by private training establishments should be referred to the Service Delivery Unit, Quality Assurance Division, New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), PO Box 160, Wellington.
- Students seeking to enrol in a programme of study or training scheme offered at an education provider that holds a Category Four status under the NZQA’s External Evaluation Review (EER) quality assurance system will not be granted a student visa.
- Immigration New Zealand (INZ) may suspend the processing of applications for student visas for study at an education provider where at least one of the following applies:
- the offered programme of study or training scheme does not comply with foreign student requirements as set out in U5.5 to U5.20;
- the education provider is not complying with its obligations under the Immigration Act, immigration regulations, or immigration instructions;
- INZ has been informed by education agencies that the education provider is not complying with its obligations under the Education Act and education regulations.
- Before a decision is made to suspend the processing of student visas, the following will be taken into account:
- evidence of the non-compliance; and
- reasons for the non-compliance; and
- the duration, frequency, and severity of the non-compliance.
- INZ may resume the processing of student visas if it is satisfied that the education provider is complying with its obligations.
Note: Despite (d), where an applicant fails to meet the requirements under Generic Temporary Entry Class instructions for health, character or bona fide applicants, the application may be declined.
Effective 22/08/2016