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SM7.25 Bonus points for recognised skilled work experience in New Zealand (to 26/07/2024)

  1. Skilled work experience in New Zealand of one year or more qualifies for 10 bonus points.
  2. A principal applicant’s skilled work experience in New Zealand will only be awarded points if they already qualify for 10 or more points under the provisions set out at SM7.1 to SM7.20.

Effective 28/08/2017


SM7.1 Aim and intent (to 26/07/2024)

SM7.5 Points for skilled work experience (to 26/07/2024)

SM7.10 Requirements for skilled work experience (to 26/07/2024)

SM7.15 Comparable labour markets (to 26/07/2024)

SM7.20 Additional requirements for skilled work experience (to 26/07/2024)

SM7.30 Bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage (to 26/07/2024)

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