Ireland - Craft and Trade Qualifications (22/08/2016)
- Patternmaker 1980 - 1996
- Plastering from 2005 (Plasterer 1980 - 2005)
- Refrigeration Craft 1984 - 1996 (Refrigeration Craftsman 1980 - 1983)
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning from 1996
- Refrigeration (Electrician) 1987 - 1996
- Sheet Metalworking from 1996 (Sheet Metal Worker 1980 - 1996)
- Slater/Roof Tiler 1993 - 1996 (Slater/Tiler 1980 - 1992)
- Tool Making from 1996 (Tool Maker 1980 - 1996)
- Turner 1980 - 1996
- Welder 1980 - 1996
- Wood Machining 1996 - 2012 (Woodmachinest 1980 - 1996)
- Wood Manufacturing and Finishing from 2013
** Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list only If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment.
Note: Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications. Award certificates are issued in English, or in English and Irish.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All honorary degrees - All listed qualifications where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All qualifications awarded after 2015
Awarding Bodies
The following Awarding Bodies may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Awarding Bodies
Qualification awarded from
Department of Education
TC: 1980 - 1987
Department of Education / FÁS* - The Training and Employment Authority
NC: 1987 - 1997
Department of Education and Science / FÁS* - The Training and Employment Authority
NC: 1997 - 2001
FETAC (Further Education and Training Council)
NC: 2001 - 2005
AC: 2005 - 2012
FETAC (Further Education and Training Council)
Awarded by QQI** will be evident under the FETAC logo on the award certificate
AC: 2013 - 2015
QQI Award - Further Education and Training Award
AC: 2015
*Foras Áiseanna Saothair
** Quality and Qualifications Ireland / Dearbhú Cáilíochta agus Cáilíochtaí Éireann
Effective 22/08/2016