Switzerland (05/12/2016)
Academic Qualifications
The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
Level in NZ terms
Points under SMC
Bachelor of Arts (BA) (speciality may be stated) (specialities in education or teaching should be refered to NZQA for assessment)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) (speciality may be stated) (specialities in education or teaching should be refered to NZQA for assessment)
Master of Arts (speciality may be stated) (specialities in education or teaching should be refered to NZQA for assessment)
Master of Science (speciality may be stated ) (specialities in education or teaching should be refered to NZQA for assessment)
Doktor Doktors der Docteur Dottorato PhD
Doktor der Medizin Docteur en Médecine
Refer to NZQA for assessment
*Abbreviations used are for the purpose of this list.
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All honorary degrees - All listed qualifications where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All qualifications awarded after 2016
Awarding Institutions
The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Qualification awarded from
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Universität Basel
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Universität Bern
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Université de Fribourg
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Université de Genève
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Université de Lausanne
BS: 2009 MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Università della Svizzera italiana
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Universität Luzern
BA: 2009 MA: 2011 PhD: 2000
Université de Neuchâtel
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Universität St. Gallen
BA: 2009 PhD: 2000
Universität Zürich
BA and BS: 2009 MA and MS: 2011 PhD: 2000
Effective 05/12/2016