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R5.65 Approved applications for residence class visas (29/11/2010)

  1. Unless otherwise stated, an approved application for a residence class visa will result in the grant of a resident visa.
  2. The travel conditions to be granted on a resident visa are set out at R5.66.
  3. A permanent resident visa may be granted as a result of an approved application for a:
    1. permanent resident visa, by a resident visa holder who meets the requirements set out in RV2;
    2. residence class visa under Partnership Category, by a person who meets the requirements set out F2.5.1;
    3. residence class visa under the Talent (Accredited Employer) Category, by a person who meets the requirements set out at RW2.1;
    4. residence class visa by a quota refugee, asylum seeker or protected person (S3.10)

R5.65.1 Resident visas subject to conditions

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 49, 50, 55

  1. When a principal applicant is granted a resident visa subject to conditions, the resident visas of any accompanying partner and dependent child will be subject to the condition that "the principal applicant comply with the conditions of the principal applicant's visa".
  2. For applications based on partnership, or dependent child relationships, any applicant who is supported by a person whose resident visa is subject to conditions at the time the sponsorship was undertaken or support was given, will be granted a resident visa subject to the condition that "[name of supporter] comply with the requirements of [his or her] visa".

Effective 29/11/2010


R5.65 Approved applications for residence class visas (05/10/2021)

R5.65 Approved applications for residence class visas (22/06/2020)

R5.65 Approved applications for residence class visas (24/04/2019)

R5.65 Approved applications for residence class visas (15/12/2017)

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