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WL2.15 Silver Fern Job Search qualification requirements (28/08/2017)

  1. Applicants must hold a:
    1. qualification that is equivalent to a New Zealand Bachelor's degree (Level 7) or higher; or
    2. trade qualification that is equivalent to a National Certificate (Level 4) or a New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) and have two years of relevant work experience.
  2. Applicants whose recognised qualification is required for employment in one of the occupations where registration is required by law in New Zealand (SM10.5) must show that they:
    1. hold full or provisional registration in that occupation in New Zealand; or
    2. can meet the necessary New Zealand registration requirements.

WL2.15.1 Trade qualifications

  1. To be considered a trade qualification, a qualification must be relevant to a job on Part B or C of the List of Skilled Occupations at Appendix 6.
  2. Applicants holding a trade qualification must also show they have a minimum of two years of work experience which:
    1. is relevant to their qualification (SM11.10.5); and
    2. has been gained in a comparable labour market (SM7.15.1); and
    3. meets the additional requirements for recognition of work experience (SM7.20); and
    4. has been gained after their qualification (including any work experience required as part of the qualification) was completed.

Note: Immigration officers must ensure that the qualification is a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) or comparable to a National Certificate or a New Zealand Certificate (Level 4) and may refer to the following for confirmation:
~ the website,
~ written confirmation provided by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to the Tertiary Education Provider confirming the qualification is a National Certificate,
~ a NZQA International Qualification Assessment (IQA), or
~ a NZQA Qualifications Assessment Report (QAR).

Effective 28/08/2017


WL2.1 Annual limit

WL2.1 Annual limit (29/11/2010)

WL2.10 Determining an application for a Silver Fern Job Search visa

WL2.10 Determining an application for a Silver Fern Job Search visa (29/11/2010)

WL2.15 Silver Fern Job Search qualification requirements

WL2.15 Silver Fern Job Search qualification requirements (07/11/2011)

WL2.15 Silver Fern Job Search qualification requirements (29/11/2010)

WL2.20 Evidence

WL2.20 Evidence (29/11/2010)

WL2.20 Evidence (30/07/2012)

WL2.25 Currency and conditions of Silver Fern Job Search visas

WL2.5 Lodging an application

WL2.5 Lodging an application (07/12/2015)

WL2.5 Lodging an application (29/11/2010)

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