Penalties ordered by the Employment Relations Authority or by the Employment Court.
Non-pecuniary penalties
- 6 month stand-down when the total amount of penalties ordered in a case is up to and including $1,000 for individuals and companies.
- 12 month stand-down when the total amount of penalties ordered in a case is:
- over $1,000 but less than $10,000 for individuals
- over $1,000 but less than $20,000 for companies.
- 18 month stand-down when the total amount of penalties ordered in a case is:
- $10,000 and above, but less than $25,000, for individuals
- $20,000 and above, but less than $50,000, for companies.
- 24 month stand-down when the total amount of penalties ordered in a case is:
- $25,000 and above for individuals
- $50,000 and above for companies.
Pecuniary penalties
- 24 month stand-down for a pecuniary penalty from the Court
The Authority and the Court take the approach of looking at the totality of penalties for a group of breaches without necessarily identifying a penalty for a breach. Therefore the proposed stand-down periods are set according to the total dollar amount for penalties ordered for a case.
If an individual or company incurred several penalties in one determination they would only get the maximum of 24 months stand-down period at this time, but the individual or company would be eligible for another stand-down period after this if further non-compliance triggered another stand-down.