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WK4.5 Conditions of Essential Skills Work Visas (28/08/2017)
  1. Essential Skills work visas will be subject to conditions that the holder:
    1. may work only in a specified industry, trade, occupation or profession; and
    2. may work only for a specified employer; and
    3. may work only in a specified area or location; and
    4. must be paid at or above the level required by the skill-band of their employment; and
    5. must provide evidence of the payment of remuneration if requested by an immigration officer.
  2. Despite (a)(ii) above, until 31 December 2017 the following provisions apply:
    1. for work visas granted under the Essential Skills instructions for work in the Canterbury region, the employer does not need to be specified as a condition on the visa label;
    2. holders of current work visas granted under the Essential Skills instructions for work in the Canterbury region may apply for a variation of conditions to remove the condition that the holder may work only for a specified employer (see E3.25)

      Note: Employment is in the Canterbury region if the entire or principal place of work is within the territorial authorities of Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council or Waimakariri District Council.

Effective date 28/08/2017

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