United Kingdom - Trade and Craft Qualifications (28/08/2017)
City and Guilds of London Institute Craft Qualifications
The craft qualifications in Table A qualify for the points indicated where the qualification:
- is awarded by the City and Guilds of London Institute in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales; and
- is listed within the dates specified in Table A below; and
- is relevant to an occupation at ANZSCO skill level 3 or below.
Table A
The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated.
Awarded from or between dates
Level in NZQF terms
Points under SMC
The Craft Certificate in (speciality will be named)
1981 - 1992
The Part Two Certificate in (speciality will be named) Craft Studies
1981 - 1989
(Name of speciality) Craft Studies Part 2
1981 - 1989
The Part Three Certificate in (speciality will be named) Craft Studies
1990 - 2004
(Name of speciality) Craft Studies Part 3
1990 - 2004
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Note: - Award certificates must be provided in their original language.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All listed qualifications in Table A where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications that contain cross-credited courses or papers - For any purpose other than claiming the SMC points stated, evidence of completing a time-based apprenticeship from an appropriate awarding body, in a relevant occupation, is also likely to be required.
Trade Qualifications (Apprenticeships from 2003)
The qualifications in Table B qualify for the points indicated where:
- the qualification is relevant to an occupation at ANZSCO skill level 3 or below; and
- the qualification is awarded from or within the year range listed in the right-hand column by an awarding body specified in Table C below.
Table B
Level in NZQF terms
Points under SMC
Advanced Apprenticeship
Advanced Level Apprenticeship
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship NI (Level 3 Apprenticeship)
Northern Ireland
Modern Apprenticeship
Vocational qualification (trade qualification title) at Level 3 / SVQ 3: (trade qualification title)
* Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list only.
If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to the NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
Note: - Award certificates must be provided in their original language.
The following must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualifications Assessment: - All listed qualifications in Table B where study was completed at any institution outside of the country, including any overseas campuses of any listed awarding institution - All listed qualifications that contain cross-credited courses or papers - All qualifications awarded after 2017
Table C - Apprenticeship awarding bodies
The following awarding bodies may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.
Awarding body
Previous names and dates of change are indicated in brackets.
Qualification awarded from or between dates
Automotive Skills
MA: 2003 - 2008
AA: 2005 - 2008
CITB (Construction Skills 2003-2013)
MA: 2003-2011
AA: 2005-2011
ALA and AP: 2012
AA and MA: 2007 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
Creative and Cultural Skills
ALA and AP: 2013
Creative Skill Set (Skillset 2004 - 2012)
MA: 2004 - 2011
ALA: 2014
AA: 2005
AP: 2012
Department for the Economy (Department for Employment and Learning 2004-2016)
ANI: 2004
Energy and Utility Skills
AA and MA: 2005 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
Engineering Construction Industry Training Board / ECITB
MA: 2003 - 2011
AA: 2005 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
Financial Skills Partnership
ALA and AP: 2013
MA: 2005 - 2011
ALA: 2014
AA: 2005 - 2013
AP: 2012 - 2014
IMI / The Institute of the Motor Industry
AA: 2008 - 2014
ALA: 2014
MA: 2008 - 2011
AP: 2012
MA: 2005 - 2012
ALA: 2013
AA: 2005 - 2012
AP: 2013
Learning and Skills Improvement Service
ALA and AP: 2013
People 1st
AA and MA: 2005 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
People 1st for GoSkills (GoSkills 2004 - 2011)
MA: 2004 - 2011
AA: 2005 - 2011
AA: 2005 - 2012
MA: 2005 - 2014
AP: 2014
ALA: 2012
Scottish Qualifications Authority / SQA
SVQ3: 2000
AA and MA: 2005 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
Skills CFA
ALA and AP: 2013
Skills for Care & Development
ALA and AP: 2013
Skills for Health
ALA and AP: 2013
Skills for Justice (Justice, Community Safety and Legal Services)
ALA and AP: 2013
Skills for Logistics
ALA and AP: 2013
Skills for Security
ALA and AP: 2013
ALA and AP: 2013
Summit Skills
AA and MA: 2005 - 2011
ALA and AP: 2012
The Building Futures Group
ALA and AP: 2013
The Tech Partnership
ALA and AP: 2015
Effective 28/08/2017