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A6.13 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) (01/07/2019)

A6.13.1 Objective

See also Immigration Act s 399A

The IVL is collected by INZ on behalf of the Crown. The purpose of the IVL is to fund, or contribute to the funding of conservation, infrastructure used for tourism (including the cost of operating the infrastructure) and other initiatives related to tourism

A6.13.5 Who must pay the IVL

See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010, Reg 26AAD

Each person applying, or who is included in an application, for a temporary entry class visa (outside of an immigration control area) or who requests a traveller electronic travel authority (ETA) is required to pay the IVL unless exempt.

A6.13.10 IVL payable to INZ when making an application for a visa or ETA request

  1. The Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010 prescribe when an IVL is payable to INZ and the amount payable.
  2. An IVL is payable:
    1. at the time an application for a visa is made to INZ or its agents; or
    2. at the time a request for an ETA is made.

A6.13.15 Exempt from IVL

See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010, Reg 26AAE

The following people are exempt from paying the IVL:

  1. A person applying under the Special Category for Victims of People Trafficking; or
  2. A person applying under Skilled Migrant Category Job Search instructions; or
  3. A diplomatic, consular or official staff or their domestic staff; or
  4. A claimant, refugee, or protected person; or
  5. A person applying as the partner or dependent child of an NZ citizen, visa holder or applicant for a visa; or
  6. A child travelling to New Zealand for the purpose of adoption; or
  7. A person travelling on a United Nations Laissez passer; or
  8. A military person or crew member of a military craft travelling in the ordinary course of their duty or employment; or
  9. A person travelling to New Zealand for medical consultation or treatment; or
  10. A person escorting someone outlined in (i) above; or
  11. A person associated with a Contracting Party to the Antarctic Treaty; or
  12. A person who is positioning crew; or
  13. A person applying for one of the following visas:
    1. Business visitor visa
    2. Student visa supported by a scholarship from MFAT
    3. China Special Work
    4. China Skilled Worker
    5. Philippines Special Work
    6. Vietnam Special Work
    7. Indonesia Special Work
    8. Interpreter from Japan
    9. Thai Chef
    10. Essential Skills
    11. Supplementary Seasonal Employer
    12. Recognised Seasonal Employer
    13. Silver Fern Practical Experience
    14. Post-Study work visa
    15. Pathway student visa
    16. Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessel
    17. A work visa on the basis of which its holder may subsequently apply for a residence class visa (work to residence visa); or
  14. A citizen of one of the following countries:
    1. American Samoa
    2. Cook Islands
    3. Fiji
    4. Kiribati
    5. Republic of Marshall Islands
    6. Federated States of Micronesia
    7. Nauru
    8. Niue
    9. Palau
    10. Papua New Guinea
    11. Pitcairn Islands
    12. Samoa
    13. Solomon Islands
    14. Tonga
    15. Tuvalu
    16. Vanuatu; or
  15. Australian citizens and permanent residents.

Effective 01/07/2019


A6.13 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) (28/02/2023)

A6.13 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) (01/07/2021)

A6.13 International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL) (23/12/2019)

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