H5.35 Currency and conditions (18/06/2020)
H5.35.1 Currency and conditions of a Critical Purpose visitor visa
- A Critical Purpose visitor visa may be granted with sufficient duration for the holder to achieve their critical purpose in New Zealand, up to 6 months.
- Despite (a) above, where a person is not required by A4.25 to provide Medical or Chest X-ray Certificates, they may be granted a visitor visa for a maximum period of 12 months.
- A Critical Purpose visitor visa must be granted with the condition that the holder carries out the critical purpose that allowed the grant of this visa while they are in New Zealand.
- A person granted a visitor visa who meets requirements for either a critical health worker (H5.30.1), or an ‘other critical worker’ (H5.30.5), may have conditions imposed allowing them to work in any occupation for any employer in any location in New Zealand.
H5.35.5 Currency and Conditions of another visa (appropriate to the applicant’s circumstances)
- A temporary entry class visa (other than a Critical Purpose visitor visa) may be granted may be granted for the duration set out in the relevant instructions for that visa.
- A temporary entry class visa granted to a person who has a critical purpose for travelling to New Zealand must be granted with conditions imposed that the holder carries out that critical purpose while they are in New Zealand.
H5.35.10 Conditions of visas varied for a critical purpose
- Any visa varied under these instructions will have the condition imposed that the holder carries out the relevant critical purpose while they are in New Zealand.
- A person whose visa conditions are varied under these instructions and who meets the requirements for either a critical health worker or an ‘other critical worker’ may, at the discretion of an immigration officer, also have conditions imposed allowing them to work in any occupation for any employer in any location in New Zealand.
- Any visa varied under these instructions must also have a condition imposed that the holder complies with any instruction from a Medical Officer of Health which relates to a notifiable or quarantinable disease.
Effective 18/06/2020