WK2.1 Lodging an Essential Skills work visa application (27/07/2020)
- Applications for Essential Skills work visas must be lodged in the prescribed manner (see E4.50) and include an Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113) completed by the employer.
- Applicants who hold a work visa with remuneration as a condition of that visa (see WK4.5(d)), must include evidence of their remuneration payment, such as Inland Revenue income summaries and bank statements.
- Applicants must provide:
- a copy of the proposed employment agreement; and
- a copy of the signed offer of employment (see W2.10.10).
- Applications made on the basis of an offer of employment paid below the median wage must include a valid Skills Match Report prepared by Work and Income, unless:
- the employer holds valid approval in principle for the role identified; or
- the role is on an Essential Skills in Demand list and the applicant meets the qualification and/or experience requirements; or
- Work and Income have advised Immigration New Zealand of a regional absolute labour shortage (WK3.10.1 (e)(i)); or
- the role is included in a list of occupations published by Work and Income that are exempt from the Skills Match Report process, and meets any additional requirements of that list (e.g. region of employment).
Note: A Skills Match Report may be used to support more than one work visa application, as long as it remains valid. A copy of the Skills Match Report should be included with each visa application.
Effective 27/07/2020