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H6.20 Currency and conditions of relationship-based visitor visas (to 29/07/2024)

  1. A relationship-based visitor visa:
    1. may be granted for a maximum of six months; and
    2. will include single entry travel conditions.
  2. Despite (a) above, where a person is not required by A4.25 to provide Medical or Chest X-ray Certificates, they may be granted a relationship-based visitor visa for a maximum period of 12 months.
  3. A relationship-based visitor visa issued to a person under these instructions is subject to the condition that the holder comply with:
    1. any order made under section 11 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020; and
    2. any order made under section 70 of the Health Act 1956 and listed in schedule 2 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020; and
    3. any instruction from a Medical Officer of Health which relates to a notifiable or quarantinable disease.

Effective 05/10/2020


H6.1 Objective (to 29/07/2024)

H6.5 Expression of Interest and Invitation to Apply (to 29/07/2024)

H6.10 Making an application for a relationship-based visitor visa (to 29/07/2024)

H6.15 Determining an application for a relationship-based visitor visa (to 29/07/2024)

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