A7.10 Who may make a request under the Privacy Act 1993 (08/05/2017)
See also Privacy Act 1993 ss 6, 34
- Requests regarding personal information by the individual concerned, under principle 6 (access) and principle 7 (correction), may only be made by that individual.
- Individuals may authorise an agent to receive the information on their behalf.
- Subject to (d) below, New Zealand based lawyers holding a current New Zealand practising certificate and licensed immigration advisers do not require written authority to act when representing their clients in interactions with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Lawyers and licensed immigration advisers may make requests for the personal information of their client.
- If the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has information which suggests that a client may not be represented by the lawyer or licensed immigration adviser requesting their personal information, an authority to act may be requested before such information is released.
Effective 08/05/2017