These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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H7.5 Overview (14/06/2021)

  1. These instructions allow temporary visa holders who are currently in New Zealand or a quarantine-free travel zone to seek a variation of conditions to facilitate their return to New Zealand while border restrictions are in place.
  2. Where a person has applied for a variation of conditions under these instructions, an immigration officer may grant the variation if they are satisfied the person will be travelling for a reason of national significance that meets the requirements at H7.15.
  3. Travel for reasons of national significance is set out by the Ministry of Health in their early COVID-19 vaccine access framework and Early Vaccine Access Eligibility Operational Policy.

Note: The Ministry of Health regime that determines early access to the COVID-19 vaccine on the basis of nationally significant travel is available on their website at:

Effective 14/06/2021

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