U3.20 Sufficient funds for maintenance while in New Zealand (20/12/2021)
See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 48, 55
- Applicants must provide evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that they have sufficient funds available to maintain themselves throughout the period of their stay in New Zealand.
- Evidence may include but is not limited to:
- a notice of the award of a full scholarship; or
- a completed Sponsorship for Temporary Entry (INZ 1025) form (see U3.20.5); or
- a completed Financial Undertaking for a Student (INZ 1014) form, which covers a stay in New Zealand for the length of the visa (see U3.20.10); or
- funds held by or on behalf of the student (see U3.20.20).
U3.20.5 Sponsorship
- A sponsor for a student visa application must be an acceptable sponsor (see E6.5) and be either:
- a natural person who is a relative or a friend of the applicant; or
- an organisation or government agency (an individual must be nominated as the authorised contact).
- A sponsor for a fee-paying foreign tertiary student who is applying from within New Zealand must have sponsored that student’s initial student visa.
- Sponsors must satisfy an immigration officer that they:
- are bona fide (i.e. are genuinely intending to meet sponsorship obligations); and
- genuinely hold sufficient funds for each student they are sponsoring.
U3.20.10 Financial Undertaking
- Before the student’s arrival in New Zealand, a financial undertaking may be provided by a third party.
- If the third party is a person, they must be a relative or a friend of the applicant.
- If the third party is not a person, they must nominate an individual as an authorised contact.
- The third party providing the financial undertaking must satisfy an immigration officer they:
- are bona fide (i.e. are genuinely intending to meet their financial obligations as set out on the Financial Undertaking for a Student (INZ 1014) form); and
- genuinely hold sufficient funds for each student they are supporting.
- Where a third party wishes to continue providing a financial undertaking for the student’s subsequent onshore student visa applications, they may do so if they continue to meet (d).
U3.20.15 Determining whether a sponsor or third party providing a financial undertaking is bona fide
To determine whether a sponsor or third party providing a financial undertaking is bona fide, immigration officers may consider:
- the relationship between the applicant and the sponsor or third party;
- any previous breaches of financial obligations set out in undertakings;
- the number of student visa applications they are currently supporting;
- the period of time for which funds have been held by the sponsor or third party; and
- the student’s ability to access funds from the sponsor or third party while in New Zealand.
U3.20.20 Funds held by or on behalf of the student
- Where funds are held by or on behalf of the student, immigration officers must be satisfied that the funds are from a genuine source and are genuinely available for the purposes of the applicant’s maintenance requirements.
- When determining whether a student has sufficient funds to maintain themselves throughout their stay in New Zealand, immigration officers may consider the period of time for which funds have been held by the student and the student’s ability to access funds while in New Zealand.
U3.20.25 Funds required for students taking programmes of study lasting less than 36 weeks
- Unless (b) applies, students taking programmes of study lasting less than 36 weeks must provide evidence they have funds of at least NZ$1,250 per month of study available to maintain themselves during their stay in New Zealand (less prepaid living expenses).
- If the student is invited to apply for a student visa on the basis of having a critical purpose for travelling to New Zealand under H5.25.15(c) because they belong to a class of individuals that meets the requirements of H5.30.21(c)(iii), the student must provide evidence they have funds of at least NZ$1,667 per month of study available to maintain themselves during their stay in New Zealand (less prepaid living expenses).
- This evidence may be sighted after the application has been approved in principle.
- Funds for maintenance required under U3.20.25(b) do not include the costs for the student’s stay in Managed Isolation and Quarantine, and the student may need to prove they have additional funds for these costs (refer U3.50).
U3.20.30 Funds required for students taking programmes of study lasting 36 weeks or longer
- Students taking programmes of study lasting 36 weeks or longer must provide evidence to satisfy an immigration officer that:
- they have NZ$15,000.00 per year available to maintain themselves during their stay in New Zealand (less prepaid living expenses); or
- if they are citizens of Samoa and Tonga a written guarantee of maintenance from a relative in New Zealand who is either a New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder.
- Despite (a)(i) above, if the student is invited to apply for a student visa on the basis of having a critical purpose for travelling to New Zealand under H5.25.15(c) because they belong to a class of individuals that meets the requirements of H5.30.21(c)(vi), they must have NZ$20,000.00 per year available to maintain themselves during their stay in New Zealand (less prepaid living expenses).
Note: Funds for maintenance required under U3.20.30(b) do not include the costs for the student’s stay in Managed Isolation and Quarantine, and the student may need to prove they have additional funds for these costs (refer U3.50).
U3.20.35 Sufficient funds for maternity health services
Pregnant applicants for a student visa who are due to give birth while in New Zealand must provide evidence that they:
- have funds of at least NZ$9,000 available to pay for maternity health services; or
- have sponsorship by a person, an organisation or a Government agency which meets generic sponsorship requirements set out at E6.5, to cover maternity health services; or
- have a guarantee of financial undertaking by a third party which covers maternity health services (see U3.20.10); or
- are eligible for publicly-funded maternity health services.
Effective 20/12/2021