These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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Appendix 14 – Exemptions to the median wage threshold (20/06/2022)

This Appendix is part of Government immigration instructions as described in section 22 of the Immigration Act 2009 (WA3.15).



Occupations are listed by ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) code


Construction and Infrastructure


Metal Fabricator (322311)

Welder (322313)

Fitter (General) (323211)

Fitter-Welder (323213)

Painting Trades Worker (332211)

Fibrous Plasterer (333211)

Solid Plasterer (333212)

Wall and Floor Tiler (333411)

Care Workforce


Kaiawhina (Hauora) (Maori Health Assistant) (411512)

Disabilities Services Officer (411712)

Residential Care Officer (411715)

Aged or Disabled Carer (423111)

Nursing Support Worker (423312)

Personal Care Assistant (423313)

Therapy Aide (423314)

Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant (423411)

Tourism and Hospitality


Hotel Service Manager (431411)

Hotel or Motel Manager (141311)

Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec (141999)

Licensed Club Manager (141411)

Conference and Event Organiser (149311)

Travel Consultant (451612)

Travel Agency Manager (142116)

Tour Guide (451412)

Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager (141211)

Diving Instructor (Open Water) (452311)

Hunting Guide (452213)

Gallery or Museum Technician (399311)

Trekking Guide (452216)

Waiter (431511)

Commercial Housekeeper (811411)

Kitchenhand (851311)

Barista (431112)

Hotel or Motel Receptionist (542113)

Bar Attendant (431111)

Fast Food Cook (851111)

Food Trades Assistants nec (851299)

Hospitality Workers nec (431999)

Cafe Worker (431211)

Pastrycook's Assistant (851211)

Doorperson or Luggage Porter (431912)

Gaming Worker (431311)

Travel Attendants nec (451799)

Effective 20/06/2022


Appendix 14 – Exemptions to the median wage threshold (26/04/2023)

Appendix 14 - Exemptions to the median wage threshold (31/10/2022)

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