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SR3.5 Skilled Residence: Green List Work to Residence summary of requirements (31/10/2022)

  1. To be granted a Skilled Residence: Green List Work to Residence visa, all applicants must:
    1. meet health and character requirements for residence (see A4 and A5); and
    2. meet the applicable minimum standard of English or, where instructions allow, pre-purchase English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tuition (see SR5.15).
  2. In addition, the principal applicant must:
    1. hold an Accredited Employer work visa or another work visa applied for before 4 July 2022 at the time the residence application is made; and
    2. meet acceptable employment requirements in a Tier 2 Green List occupation (see SR3.10); and
    3. have completed 24 months of work in New Zealand in a Tier 2 Green List occupation (see SR3.15); and
    4. be aged 55 or younger at the time the residence application is made.
  3. Applications must be made using the approved online form provided on the Immigration New Zealand website.

Effective 31/10/2022


SR3.5 Skilled Residence: Green List Work to Residence summary of requirements (11/08/2023)

SR3.5 Skilled Residence: Work to Residence summary of requirements (05/09/2022)

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