SR3.25 Skill categories
SR3.25.1 Income
- When claiming points for income, the principal applicant must have full-time employment or an offer of full-time employment in New Zealand (employment is full-time if it amounts to at least 30 guaranteed hours per week for every week worked) which pays at least the equivalent of:
- 3 times the median wage (currently $94.83 per hour) to qualify for 6 points; or
- 2 times the median wage (currently $63.22 per hour) to qualify for 4 points; or
- 1.5 times the median wage (currently $47.41 per hour) to qualify for 3 points.
- As evidence of income, applicants must provide an employment agreement and job description specifying the occupation, hours and remuneration of the employment.
SR3.25.5 Qualification
- When claiming points for a qualification, the principal applicant must hold a qualification recognised on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) as a:
- level 10 Doctoral degree to qualify for 6 points; or
- level 9 Master’s degree to qualify for 5 points; or
- level 8 Bachelor honours degree or Postgraduate Diploma to qualify for 4 points; or
- level 7 Bachelor’s degree or level 8 Postgraduate Certificate to qualify for 3 points.
- As evidence of qualifications, applicants must provide their qualification certificate and if the qualification is from outside New Zealand:
- an International Qualifications Assessment (IQA) from the NZQA; or
- the qualification must be included on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment (Appendix 17).
- If the principal applicant provides an IQA and it does not confirm their qualification is equivalent to a specific New Zealand qualification type listed at (a) above, their IQA must recognise the qualification on the NZQF as:
- a level 10 qualification to qualify for 5 points; or
- a level 9 qualification to qualify for 4 points; or
- a level 8 qualification to qualify for 3 points.
- Despite the requirements in (a) above to hold the qualification, when claiming points for a level 10 Doctoral degree from a New Zealand University an applicant may instead provide evidence they have met all the requirements to graduate with a Doctoral degree to qualify for 6 points.
- As evidence of meeting requirements in (d) above, the applicant may provide a ‘letter of eligibility to graduate’ from their New Zealand University stating that they have met all the requirements to graduate with a Doctoral degree.
Note: An IQA: - assesses an overseas qualification (or group of qualifications) by stating the learning outcomes of the closest equivalent New Zealand qualification; and - states the NZQF level and qualification type of that equivalent qualification; and - refers to any verification of the applicant's qualifications undertaken by the NZQA.
SR3.25.10 New Zealand registration, licensing, or certification
- When claiming points for New Zealand registration, licencing, or certification, the principal applicant must hold a recognised New Zealand registration, license or certification and meet the requirements listed in the table at SR3.30, to qualify for the points listed at SR3.30.
- Unless specified at SR3.30, any form of provisional, trainee, intern, or limited registration, license, certification or scope of practice does not qualify for points.
- As evidence of New Zealand registration, licensing or certification, principal applicants must provide documentation confirming:
- the registration, licensing, or certification body; and
- the name of their registration, license, or certification and/or scope of practice; and
- any other requirements listed at SR3.30 to be awarded points.
Effective 1/08/2024