WA2.25 Requirements for franchisee employers (23/05/2022)
- An employer who is a franchisee (as defined at WA2.60.20) must meet the following requirements:
- The employer must have been operating (trading or carrying out business) in New Zealand, as a franchisee, for at least 12 months prior to the application being made (see (b) below); and
- a minimum of 15% of the employer’s employees must be New Zealand citizens or residents who are guaranteed at least 30 paid hours per week, unless the employer has no more than one employee.
- An employer may use another legal entity’s history of operating as a franchisee to meet (a)(i) above if at least 66% of the ownership of the employer and the other entity is the same, and the employer and the other entity are in the same sector and provide the same goods and/or services.
- Evidence of meeting the requirements set out at (a) and (b) above may include, but is not limited to:
- certificates of occupancy or lease agreements for business premises or space;
- evidence of bank transactions;
- tax records;
- stock lists/orders;
- evidence of owners of the employer (organisation) and affiliated organisation.
Effective 23/05/2022