WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (11/04/2024)
- In assessing whether an employer meets the following requirements, an immigration officer must assess whether the employer has complied with them since their previous accreditation was granted under these instructions:
- settlement support activities, as set out at WA2.10.5; and
- specific immigration standards, as set out at WA2.10.10(c) to (f); and
- business standards, as set out at WA2.10.10(m) to (p); and
- if the employer is using triangular employment arrangements, complying with WA2.20.1(a), WA2.20.5(a) to (g) and WA2.20.10(a) to (e); and
- taking reasonable steps to ensure an applicant meets qualification and skill requirements as set out at WA2.10.14; and
- the requirement to advise INZ of a change in circumstances, as set out at WA2.35(a) and (b).
- If an employer has not complied with the requirements in (a) above since their previous accreditation was granted, the employer accreditation application must be declined unless the employer:
- has rectified the non-compliance promptly; and
- has taken sufficient steps to address the cause of the non-compliance; and
- satisfies INZ that they will comply with the requirements in (a) in future accreditation periods.
- In determining whether an employer meets the requirements in (b) above, an immigration officer may consider such factors as:
- the seriousness of the non-compliance, including the number of instances of non-compliance with the requirements in (a) above since their previous accreditation was granted; and
- whether the employer has complied with the requirements in (a) above in any previous accreditation periods; and
- evidence that the employer has put in place appropriate measures to prevent similar non-compliance in future, such as processes and training.
- The onus is on the employer to satisfy INZ that they meet (b) above.
Effective 11/04/2024