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WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (11/04/2024)

  1. In assessing whether an employer meets the following requirements, an immigration officer must assess whether the employer has complied with them since their previous accreditation was granted under these instructions:
    1. settlement support activities, as set out at WA2.10.5; and
    2. specific immigration standards, as set out at WA2.10.10(c) to (f); and
    3. business standards, as set out at WA2.10.10(m) to (p); and
    4. if the employer is using triangular employment arrangements, complying with WA2.20.1(a), WA2.20.5(a) to (g) and WA2.20.10(a) to (e); and
    5. taking reasonable steps to ensure an applicant meets qualification and skill requirements as set out at WA2.10.14; and
    6. the requirement to advise INZ of a change in circumstances, as set out at WA2.35(a) and (b).
  2. If an employer has not complied with the requirements in (a) above since their previous accreditation was granted, the employer accreditation application must be declined unless the employer:
    1. has rectified the non-compliance promptly; and
    2. has taken sufficient steps to address the cause of the non-compliance; and
    3. satisfies INZ that they will comply with the requirements in (a) in future accreditation periods.
  3. In determining whether an employer meets the requirements in (b) above, an immigration officer may consider such factors as:
    1. the seriousness of the non-compliance, including the number of instances of non-compliance with the requirements in (a) above since their previous accreditation was granted; and
    2. whether the employer has complied with the requirements in (a) above in any previous accreditation periods; and
    3. evidence that the employer has put in place appropriate measures to prevent similar non-compliance in future, such as processes and training.
  4. The onus is on the employer to satisfy INZ that they meet (b) above.

Effective 11/04/2024


WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (20/11/2024)

WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (07/04/2024)

WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (29/10/2023)

WA2.30 Subsequent applications for employer accreditation (23/05/2022)

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