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E12.15 Validity of ETAs (01/07/2019)

See also Immigration (Visa, Entry Permission, and Related Matters) Regulations 2010, reg 23M, reg 23N

  1. Traveller and Transit ETAs are valid for 2 years, beginning on the date of issue.
  2. Crew ETAs are valid for 5 years, beginning on the date of issue.
  3. A person may hold more than one type of ETA or more than one of the same type of ETA that are valid for different or overlapping periods.
  4. An ETA ceases to be valid if:
    1. it has expired; or
    2. the ETA requestor is found to be an excluded person (as defined in s15 or s16 of the Immigration Act 2009) or not a visa waiver traveller; or
    3. in the case of a crew ETA, the person is no longer crew or no longer works for the carrier representative who made the ETA request on the person’s behalf; or
    4. the holder is a person whose purpose of visit includes medical consultation or treatment.

Effective 01/07/2019

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