These are archived immigration instructions that are no longer current

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WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (15/08/2024)

  1. Applicants may be granted a work visa and entry permission under specific purpose or event instructions, if an immigration officer is satisfied:
    1. the applicant will be in New Zealand to complete a specific purpose or event described in Column A of the table at WS2.1.1; and
    2. the applicant has demonstrated they meet the work visa requirements set out in Column B of the table at WS2.1.1 by providing the evidence specified; and
    3. the work is time-bound (not open-ended or permanent), except for persons holding a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa (see WS2.1.1(m)); and
    4. the applicant is suitably qualified to undertake the work; and
    5. the applicant meets health and character requirements as specified at A4 and A5.
  2. The currency of a specific purpose or event visa must be consistent with the time required for the holder to complete the specific purpose or event, up to the maximum duration indicated in Column C and total stay (if any) indicated in Column D. Note: Where Column D refers to ‘total stay’ this includes the duration of the initial Specific Purpose or Event work visa.
  3. Applications for a further Specific Purpose or Event work visa by a person holding a Specific Purpose or Event work visa must be declined, unless:
    1. a further Specific Purpose or Event visa is allowed for by Column D of WS2.1.1; and
    2. the immigration officer is satisfied that the grant of a further visa is necessary in order to complete the original specific purpose or event.
  4. Applications for work visas made under this category from applicants who currently hold a visitor visa granted under V3.100 (Guardians accompanying students to New Zealand) must not be approved (see V3.100.35).
  5. Seasonal activity as outlined in WS2.1.1(o) is defined as work:
    1. undertaken during a peak of activity for an industry, that occurs in response and is impacted by weather or climate changes and at a specific time in the year; and
    2. only taking place during part of the year, for a period of less than nine months, and
    3. excluding:
      • roles related to the planting, maintaining, harvesting and packing of crops in the horticulture and viticulture industries; and
      • roles not directly related to the seasonal activity (for example, a barista or waitperson working in a ski field restaurant); and
      • people who come into New Zealand to fill permanent roles even if that is prompted by a seasonal peak (for example, dairy farm workers who enter New Zealand ahead of the calving season); and
      • foreign crew of fishing vessels.

Note: The activity must be in response to and directly impacted by weather-related events. For example:
• rural contractors who are required for harvest seasons as the timing of harvests is weather dependent,
• ski instructors and snow groomers who are required once there is sufficient snow for the ski season to open,
• wine makers who are required once grapes are ready for harvest,
• tree planting as there is a narrow time window for successful planting that is weather dependent, or
• jet boat or bungee operators who only operate in warmer seasons.

WS2.1.1 Acceptable specific purposes and events, evidence and maximum visa durations


Column A:

People who are considered to be undertaking a specific purpose or event

Column B:

Evidence required

Column C:

Initial visa duration that may be granted

Column D:

Further visa duration that may be granted


Senior or specialist business people on short-term secondments who have a job offer either in a substantial New Zealand company or a New Zealand subsidiary of an overseas company.

Evidence of a job offer that meets the requirements of W2.10.10 and W2.10.15 from the New Zealand company or subsidiary; and

A completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113); and

Evidence the applicant is senior manager or specialist personnel (see WS2.5); and

Terms of the secondment, including duration; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

Up to 12 months

Further Specific Purpose or Event visas allowing a total stay of up to 24 months (inclusive of the duration of the initial visa granted under column C).


A business person seconded to New Zealand as an intra-corporate transferee to take up a position in a multinational company as:

-an executive; or

-a senior manager; or

-specialist personnel

Evidence the applicant is a senior manager, executive or specialist personnel (see WS2.5); and

Terms of the secondment, including duration; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

Up to 36 months

Further Specific Purpose or Event visas allowing a total stay of up to 72 months (inclusive of the duration of the initial visa granted under column C).


Business people wishing to undertake business activities in New Zealand who can satisfy an immigration officer that they have genuine reasons to be in New Zealand for a period or periods exceeding 3 months in any one year.

Evidence of the amount of time the applicant needs to be in New Zealand; and

Evidence of the applicant’s business activities in New Zealand. Business activities are described in V3.5 Business Visitors.

Up to 12 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


Principal applicants under the Migrant investment instructions or the Parent Retirement Category who have been approved in principle and are investigating investment opportunities and making direct investments in New Zealand (see BJ7.40 and F3.25)

No additional evidence required

12 months

Further Specific Purpose or Event visas allowing a total stay of up to 24 months (inclusive of the duration of the initial visa granted under column C) for Investor 1 applicants; or


Further Specific Purpose or Event visas allowing a total stay of up to 18 months (inclusive of the duration of the initial visa granted under column C) for Investor 2 applicants


Principal applicants under the Active Investor Plus visa category who have been approved in principle and are arranging transfer and/or investment of funds in New Zealand (see BN8.35)

No additional evidence required

12 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa.


Referees or judges of sports events, shows, displays or exhibitions

Invitation, or schedule of events setting out the duration the applicant is required to be in New Zealand; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

For the period of their engagement, not normally more than 6 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


Dance and music examiners of recognised international teaching institutions

Invitation, or schedule of events setting out the duration the applicant is required to be in New Zealand; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

For the period of their engagement, not normally more than 6 months.

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


Installers or servicers of specialised machinery or equipment supplied by an overseas company where installing or servicing the equipment in New Zealand is a condition of purchase.

Evidence that installing or servicing the equipment in New Zealand is a condition of the purchase of the machinery or equipment; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

Up to 3 months in any 12 month period

No subsequent Specific Purpose or Event visa within a 12 month period


Sports players and professional sports coaches taking up a paid position in a New Zealand sports club

Evidence of a job offer that meets the requirements of W2.10.10 and W2.10.15 from the New Zealand club, if the applicant is professional player or coach; and

A completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113); and

Evidence of the terms of the engagement with the club, if the applicant is not a professional player; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

For the period of their job offer or engagement, up to:

12 months for players; or

36 months in the case of coaches employed at national or regional level

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


Entertainment industry sector workers (entertainers, performing artists, film and video production crew, and associated support personnel), who intend to engage in any form of private or public performance in New Zealand or work on any film or video production in New Zealand.

Evidence required by WS3.

For the period of their engagement

Further Specific Purpose or Event visas can be granted for the period required if the engagement is extended.


Philippines nurses seeking entry to obtain New Zealand occupational registration who have a job offer from a District Health Board and have been accepted for the Nursing Council's Competence Assessment Programme

Evidence of a job offer that meets the requirements of W2.10.10, and W2.10.15 from a District Health Board; and

A completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113); and

Evidence of acceptance for the Nursing Council's Competence Assessment Programme; and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

3 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


Principal applicants for residence under the Entrepreneur Residence Visa Category instructions who currently hold a valid visa granted under the Entrepreneur Work Visa Category or Long Term Business Visa Category instructions (see BH8).

No additional evidence required

9 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa


People who hold a 12 month Critical Purpose Visitor Visa granted on the basis of being a critical health worker (see H5.30.1) or another critical worker (see H5.30.5) and were assessed as being paid at or above the median wage, excluding deepwater fishing crew, deep sea fishing crew, and seafarer approved class of workers (see H5.30.20(a), (m), (o), (p), and (y).

Evidence that satisfies an immigration officer that the employment offer is ongoing with the same (or better conditions) as those approved in the Critical Purpose Visitor Visa application.

The visa may be granted with an end date up to 36 months after the start date of the Critical Purpose Visitor Visa

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa






Workers who hold a Recovery Visa granted under WS2.2.1(n) and who are in New Zealand on 23 September 2023 who require a further three-month visa.

To be eligible for a three-month further visa, applicants must be undertaking a short-term role that supports the North Island response to and short-term recovery from the extreme weather events in January and February 2023, by:

-Providing emergency response

-Immediate clean-up

-Assessing risk or loss

-Infrastructure, building and housing stabilisation and / or repair (including planning functions)

This includes people working both on the recovery and in roles that directly support the recovery (e.g., producing relevant materials for road rebuild, transport drivers).

A Recovery Visa - Employer Supplementary Form (INZ1377)

Evidence of genuine employment

Evidence that this employment supports the response to and short term recovery from the extreme weather events in January and February 2023

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15

For three months, for a total period of up to 9 months in New Zealand on a specific purpose work visa.

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa for this purpose if applicant has already been granted a three-month further Specific Purpose or Event visa.



People who come to New Zealand to fill a role for an employer who holds current accreditation under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) instructions and that role meets the definition of seasonal activity set out under WS2.1(e).

To be eligible, an application must be made on or before 31 March 2025, and the role must:

  • be paid at least $29.66 per hour; and
  • be for at least 30 hours per week; and
  • commence on or before 31 May 2025.


  • of the employer’s current accreditation under the AEWV instructions; and
  • of the role the person will be undertaking in New Zealand that meets the definition of seasonal activity set out under WS2.1(e) and the requirements set out in column A of W2.1.1(o); and
  • of at least four months work experience in a role with the same tasks or responsibilities as the role applied for; and
  • that the employer has advertised the role for at least 2 weeks on a general national job listing prior to the application being lodged; and
  • of a job offer that meets the requirements of W2.10.10,and W2.10.15; and
  • of a completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113)

Maximum of 9 months

No further Specific Purpose or Event visa if applicant currently holds a Specific Purpose or Event visa



People who need to come to New Zealand for any other specific purpose or event where they meet the objective of these instructions (WS1) and the circumstances justify the grant of a work visa.

Evidence of the specific purpose or event that the person will be undertaking in New Zealand; and

Evidence that satisfies an immigration officer that the nature of the work or the circumstances surrounding the work are such that it is not possible and/or appropriate for a New Zealand citizen or resident to take up the work (see note 1 below); and

Evidence of funds as required by W2.15; and

If the person will be employed in New Zealand:

Evidence of a job offer that meets the requirements of W2.10.10 and W2.10.15; and

A completed Employer Supplementary Form (INZ 1113)

For the period of their engagement

Further Specific Purpose or Event visas can be granted for the period required if the engagement is extended.

1. The factors an immigration officer may take into account in determining whether it would be possible and/or appropriate for New Zealand citizens or residents to take up the work at WS2.1.1 (p) include, but are not limited to, whether the work:
- requires a person to be primarily based in New Zealand on a long-term or permanent basis,
- will be for a New Zealand employer and be covered by a New Zealand employment agreement,
- requires attributes that automatically exclude New Zealand citizens or residents (for example, the requirement for foreign security clearance, or a special programme only offered to nationals of certain countries).
2. It is not relevant whether the employer has been unable to recruit New Zealanders to take up the work. If it is appropriate for a New Zealand citizen or resident to take up the work but the employer has not been able to find a suitable New Zealander, an application may be made under the Accredited Employer work visa instructions (WA4).
3. Provisions WS2.1.1 (a),(b),(c),(g), and (j) reflect New Zealand’s trade commitments with respect to immigration (see E9).
Visas granted under (n) above are known as Recovery Visas
4. For WS2.1.1(o), work experience can include experience gathered in junior positions in the same field where there is an overlap of tasks and responsibilities (for example, experience as an assistant winemaker can be used to support a role as a winemaker).

Effective 15/08/2024


WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event Work visa (08/05/2017)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (15/12/2022)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (19/09/2022)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (21/05/2018)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (23/09/2023)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (24/02/2023)

WS2.1 Who is eligible for a Specific Purpose or Event work visa (27/08/2023)

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