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E3.1 Visas (26/07/1999)

E3.1.1 Definition of 'visa'

Immigration Act 1987s 14A

  1. A visa is an endorsement by a visa officer in a passport or a certificate of identity that indicates that the visa officer, at the time of issuing the visa, knows of no reason why the holder of the passport or certificate of identity should not be granted the relevant permit.
  2. A visa merely entitles a person to travel to New Zealand and is not, nor does it have the effect of, a permit; nor does it entitle the holder to a permit as of right.
  3. A temporary visa authorises the granting of a temporary permit until a specified date or for a specified time (the time to be specified in months rather than weeks if possible), provided that an application has been made and any conditions stipulated in the visa have been met.

E3.1.5 Types of temporary visa

Immigration Act 1987 s 14

The following types of temporary visa may be issued:

  • visitors' visas (see V2)
  • work visas (see W2)
  • student visas (see U6).

E3.1.10 Issue of visa a matter of discretion

Immigration Act 1987 s 10

  1. No person is entitled to a temporary visa as a matter of right.
  2. Whether or not to issue a visa to any person is a matter for:
    1. the Minister's discretion, or
    2. unless there is a special direction in which the discretion is reserved to the Minister, the discretion of the appropriate visa officer.

E3.1.15 Currency of visas

Immigration Act 1987 s 14A

  1. All visas are current for the period or until the date specified and may be effective for one entry only (single) or for any number of journeys (multiple) to New Zealand within that period or before that date.
  2. Visas (single or multiple) must not be issued unless:
    1. the applicant's travel document is current for at least 3 months beyond the expiry date of the proposed permit, or
    2. current for one month, if the issuing government has consular representation in New Zealand that is able to issue and renew travel documents.

Effective 26/07/1999

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