U6.1 Courses of study lasting longer than 3 months (05/06/2000)
U6.5 Distance education (correspondence) students (26/07/1999)
U6.10 Membership of professional associations (26/07/1999)
U6.15 Graduation (26/07/1999)
U6.20 Variations to work permits and visitors' permits to allow study (26/07/1999)
U6.25 Interim temporary permits for student permit applicants (26/07/1999)
U6.30 Currency of student visas (26/07/1999)
U6.35 Currency of full student permits (26/07/1999)
U6.36 Issue of student visas to applicants granted full student permits (05/06/2000)
U6.40 Endorsement of student visas and permits (26/07/1999)